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Warren Buffett’s House(워렌 버핏의 집)

효성공인 2022. 3. 29. 22:44

Warren Buffett’s House

워렌 버핏의 집

What does Warren Buffett’s house look like?
워렌 버핏의 집은 어떤 모습인가요?
Warren Buffett still lives in the house he bought for $31,500 in 1958. Inflation adjusted to 2022 dollars it cost him $309,240 in 1958 buying power. His house is a 6,570 square feet stucco house that has 5 bedrooms and 2.5 bathrooms.
Warren Buffett은 1958년에 $31,500에 구입한 집에 여전히 살고 있습니다. 2022년으로 조정된 인플레이션으로 인해 1958년 구매력에 $309,240가 소모되었습니다. 그의 집은 5개의 침실과 2.5개의 욕실이 있는 6,570제곱피트의 치장 벽토 집입니다.
His home is located in a wealthy neighborhood in Omaha, Nebraska. It’s now worth an estimated $915,000 based on comparative houses in the neighborhood likely driven up by his fame. Buffett once called it the “third-best investment he’s ever made” but later considered how much he would have made if the money he spent on the house would have been used to buy Berkshire-Hathaway stock in 1958, hopefully he was joking.
그의 집은 네브래스카 주 오마하의 부유한 동네에 있습니다. 현재 그의 명성에 힘입어 이웃에 있는 비교 주택을 기준으로 약 915,000달러의 가치가 있습니다. 버핏은 한때 그것을 "자신이 한 세 번째 최고의 투자"라고 불렀지만 나중에 그가 그 집에 쓴 돈이 1958년 버크셔-해서웨이 주식을 사는 데 사용되었다면 그가 얼마나 벌었을지 생각했습니다. 농담이었길 바랍니다.
For one of the richest men in the world this is a very frugal house that is less than .001% of his total net worth. He could have any house he wanted in the world but prefers the simplicity and loves living in Nebraska where he grew up. He has always been happy there and never saw any reason to move.
세계에서 가장 부유한 사람 중 한 사람에게 이것은 그의 총 순자산의 0.001% 미만인 매우 검소한 집입니다. 그는 세상에서 원하는 모든 집을 가질 수 있지만 단순함을 선호하고 그가 자란 네브래스카에서 살기를 좋아합니다. 그는 그곳에서 항상 행복했고 이사할 이유를 본 적이 없습니다.
In the last decade after a lot of urging he now has fences and security cameras at the property along with a security guard. It is a large home that he finds comfortable and likes to keep things the same like his Cadillacs that he will drive for a decade before trading in or the same McDonald’s breakfast he eats almost every day.
많은 촉구 끝에 지난 10년 동안 그는 현재 경비원과 함께 건물에 울타리와 보안 카메라를 가지고 있습니다. 그가 편안하다고 생각하는 큰 집이며, 거래하기 전에 10년 동안 운전할 캐딜락이나 거의 매일 먹는 맥도날드 아침 식사와 같은 것들을 그대로 유지하는 것을 좋아합니다.
In all the books about him and interviews I have watched Warren Buffett is not one to indulge in materialism or buying big items or luxury goods. He says he is happiest in his jogging pants eating popcorn and watching a Nebraska college football game or playing bridge, very cheap pleasures.
그에 관한 모든 책과 인터뷰에서 워렌 버핏은 물질주의에 탐닉하거나 큰 물건이나 사치품을 사는 사람이 아닙니다. 그는 조깅 바지를 입고 팝콘을 먹고 네브래스카 대학 미식축구 경기를 보거나 브리지를 하는 것이 가장 값싼 즐거움이라고 말합니다.
He said his one guilty indulgence is that he loves the convenience of private jets, so much that he bought Netjets. He said the reason he doesn’t own a yacht is he would not want to deal with employees and their drama that it would take to operate it or the cost and trouble of maintenance and upkeep of a boat.
그는 자신의 죄의식은 전용기의 편리함을 너무 좋아해서 넷젯을 샀다는 것이라고 말했다. 그는 자신이 요트를 소유하지 않는 이유는 요트를 운영하는 데 필요한 직원들과 그들의 드라마, 또는 보트의 유지 보수 및 유지 보수 비용과 문제를 다루고 싶지 않기 때문이라고 말했다.
He eats standard American foods like burgers and steaks, loves Coca Cola, and football and lives in the same house he could afford as a young millionaire in 1958.
그는 버거와 스테이크와 같은 일반적인 미국 음식을 먹고 코카콜라와 축구를 사랑하며 1958년 젊은 백만장자로서 살 수 있었던 같은 집에서 살고 있습니다.
During an interview with the BBC he said: “I’m happy there. I’d move if I thought I’d be happier someplace else.”
BBC와의 인터뷰에서 그는 "나는 그곳에서 행복하다. 다른 곳에서 더 행복할 것 같으면 이사를 가겠어요.”
Very interesting that the one of the world’s richest men is content with the same house he bought in 1958 and never upgraded to one of the mega mansions or compounds that most billionaires own. He likes to keep his life simple and familiar. A lesson for all of us to understand when we have enough, there is no reason to change.

세계에서 가장 부유한 사람 중 한 명이 1958년에 샀던 그 집에 만족하고 대부분의 억만장자들이 소유하고 있는 초대형 맨션이나 건물 중 하나로 업그레이드된 적이 없다는 점은 매우 흥미롭습니다. 그는 자신의 삶을 단순하고 친숙하게 유지하는 것을 좋아합니다. 우리 모두가 충분히 가질 때 이해할 수 있는 교훈, 변경할 이유가 없습니다.