부동산 정보와 관련 기사 19

Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis(중재, 조정, 조건부 공정 분석)

Mediation,Moderation and Conditional Process Analysis(중재, 조정, 조건부 공정 분석) A 4-Day Remote Seminar Taught by Amanda Montoya, Ph.D. 아만다 몬토야 박사에 의한 4일간의 원격 세미나 Mediation and moderation analyses are widely used in many different fields. Mediation analysis tests hypotheses about mechanisms or processes by which effects occur. Moderation analysis examines questions of contingencies (우연성)(e.g., for whom,..

One Property at a Time’: A City Tries to Revive Without Gentrifying(한 번에 하나의 재산': 도시는 젠트리피케이션을 하지 않고 되살리려고 한다.)

Marjorie Perry, a contractor, is one of the builders turning an abandoned bank into an apartment building and poets cafe.Credit...Bryan Anselm for The New York Times 계약자 마조리 페리는 버려진 은행을 아파트와 시인들 카페로 바꾸는 건설업자 중 한 명이다.크레딧...뉴욕 타임즈의 브라이언 앤셀름 ‘One Property at a Time’: A City Tries to Revive Without Gentrifying (한 번에 하나의 재산': 도시는 젠트리피케이션을 하지 않고 되살리려고 한다.) Neighborhoods in Newark are beginning to see ..

Making the Most of Their Terrace(테라스를 최대한 활용하기)

renters(임차인) Making the Most of Their Terrace(테라스를 최대한 활용하기) During the pandemic, one couple’s outdoor space has served as a living and dining room, kitchen, art and music studio, office, storage unit and gym. 대유행 기간 동안 한 커플의 야외 공간은 거실과 식당, 부엌, 예술과 음악 스튜디오, 사무실, 창고, 체육관 등의 역할을 해왔다. Tess Lepore and Kevin Kuh moved into their Upper West Side one-bedroom with their dog, Marnie, in December 2017, bu..

Reasons to Invest in Real Estate vs. Stocks(주식대 부동산 투자의 이유)

Reasons to Invest in Real Estate vs. Stocks(주식대 부동산 투자의 이유) Should you invest in real estate or stocks—or both? 부동산이나 주식, 아니면 둘 다에 투자해야 합니까? By RYAN BOYKIN Many investors have traditionally turned to the stock market as a place to put their investing dollars. While stocks are a well-known investment option, not everyone knows that buying real estate is also considered an investment. Under the ri..

How to Control Real Estate with Lease Options(임대 옵션을 사용하여 부동산을 제어하는 방법)

How to Control Real Estate with Lease Options(임대 옵션을 사용하여 부동산을 제어하는 방법) by Chris Goff Lease-Option, Rent to Own, Rent with Option to Buy and Lease-Purchase are essentially the same thing. Anyone can cash in big by controlling property while never taking title. This method works on properties in any condition, price range and with any kind of underlying financing. You can make lots of money witho..

Lease Option(임대옵션)

What Is a Lease Option? (임대 옵션이란?) A lease option is an agreement that gives a renter a choice to purchase the rented property during or at the end of the rental period. It also precludes the owner from offering the property for sale to anyone else. When the term expires, the renter must either exercise the option or forfeit it 임대 옵션은 임차인에게 임대기간 중 또는 임대 기간이 종료되는 시점에 임대 부동산을 구입할 수 있는 선택권을 주는 계약입니..

White Kitchens Are Getting Kicked to the Curb(보도나 담 따위의 가장자리 경계석)(흰색 부엌이 연석으로 걷어 차이고 있다

LBA Hyosung-authorized brokerage, which is a brokerage business, automatically becomes interested in furniture related to the brokerage object while brokering business, but there is an article that interests you in the Wall Street Journal. I thought that it might have an effect on the extent of the trend, but I think that it is true that this also does not deviate from the range of the fashion a..

How To Trade A Symmetrical Triangle Pattern(대칭 삼각형 패턴의 교환 방법)

How To Trade A Symmetrical Triangle Pattern(대칭 삼각형 패턴의 교환 방법) Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Symmetrical Triangle Pattern Chart Facts: The symmetrical triangle is a neutral chart pattern that usually forms during a trend as a continuation pattern of the existing trend. 대칭 삼각형은 일반적으로 추세 동안 기존 추세의 연속 패턴으로 형성되는 중립 차트 패턴입니다. Sometimes an symmetrical ..

10 Powerful Principles for Profitable Trading:(10 수익성 있는 거래를 위한 강력한 원칙:)

10 Powerful Principles for Profitable Trading:(10 수익성 있는 거래를 위한 강력한 원칙:) Regardless of the quality of your trade entries and exits, it is the overlying principles that you use in your trading that will determine your success. Here is the big picture that will help you become a better trader starting right now. 당신의 거래 입출국이나 출..