나의 이야기 37

Charlie Munger: Why Your First $100,000 will Change Your Life

Charlie Munger: Why Your First $100,000 will Change Your Life “The first $100,000 is a bitch, but you gotta do it. I don’t care what you have to do – if it means walking everywhere and not eating anything that wasn’t purchased with a coupon, find a way to get your hands on $100,000. After that, you can ease off the gas a little bit.” – Charlie Munger Is the first $100k the hardest? Yes, in both ..

나의 이야기 2022.07.05

What is Web 3.0?(웹 3.0이란 무엇입니까?)

What is Web 3.0?(웹 3.0이란 무엇입니까?) There has been three distinct World Wide Web phases so far in its evolution. 지금까지 월드 와이드 웹의 진화에는 세 가지 뚜렷한 단계가 있었습니다. Web 1.0 was the first stage of the World Wide Web’s evolution that lasted from approximately 1991 to 2004. The first phase had fewer content creators than later phases. Most users on the early internet were simply consumers of website content, and ..

나의 이야기 2022.04.12

How the blockchain is revolutionising digital chess 블록체인이 디지털 체스를 혁신하는 방법

How the blockchain is revolutionising digital chess 블록체인이 디지털 체스를 혁신하는 방법 It’s been referred to as the “Queen’s Gambit effect”: in the aftermath of the breakout success of the October 2020 Netflix show about fictional, struggling chess grandmaster Beth Harmon, the game of chess went through its very own moment of global momentum. "이를 "여왕의 갬빗 효과"라고 합니다": 2020년 10월 Netflix 쇼에서 허구의 고군분투하는 체스 그랜드 마스..

나의 이야기 2022.01.20

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정)

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정) Most people don’t associate love with financial health, but your choice of life partner will be one of the most important financial life decisions you make. Staying single decreases your risk of ruin by marrying the wrong person, but getting married drops your expenses in half and doubles your chances of financial success...

나의 이야기 2022.01.16

Why You Lose So Much Money Trading:(왜 그렇게 많은 돈 거래를 잃어 버렸습니까?)

Why You Lose So Much Money Trading:((왜 그렇게 많은 돈 거래를 잃어 버렸습니까?) “The key to long-term survival and prosperity has a lot to do with the money management techniques incorporated into the technical system.” -Ed Seykota "장기적인 생존과 번영의 열쇠는 기술 시스템에 통합된 돈 관리 기술과 많은 관련이 있습니다."- Ed Seykota The above image shows the destruction of capital, not only for a losing streak, but also for a string of 10 trades wit..

나의 이야기 2021.12.23

Traffic Splitting for Service Deployments(서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할)

Traffic Splitting for Service Deployments(서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할) 서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할 When you deploy a new version of a service, you need a way to start using the new version without causing downtime for your end users. You can't just take the old version down and deploy the new one, because for a brief period you would cause downtime. This method runs the additional risk of being hard to roll back if..

나의 이야기 2021.12.06