거래기술에 관한 정보

Moving Averages Cheat Sheet(이동 평균 치트 시트)

효성공인 2021. 8. 26. 23:18

Moving Averages Cheat Sheet(이동 평균 치트 시트)

Moving averages are technical trading tools for capturing trends in the stock market.

Moving averages are price action filters that can identify a trend by which side of a moving average price is trading on.

이동 평균은 주식 시장의 추세를 포착하기 위한 기술 거래 도구입니다.
이동 평균은 이동 평균 가격의 어느 쪽에서 거래되고 있는지 추세를 식별할 수 있는 가격 조치 필터입니다

A vertical moving average can show that a chart is in a trend while a horizontal moving average can show that price action is going sideways in a trading range.

수직 이동 평균은 차트가 추세에 있음을 나타낼 수 있고 수평 이동 평균은 가격 조치가 거래 범위에서 옆으로 가고 있음을 보여줄 수 있습니다.

The slope of a moving average can visually show the magnitude of a trend direction.

Moving averages can act as key support or resistance levels in both trading ranges and trends.

이동 평균의 기울기는 추세 방향의 크기를 시각적으로 나타낼 수 있습니다.
이동 평균은 거래 범위와 추세 모두에서 주요 지원 또는 저항 수준으로 작용할 수 있습니다.

Key Movining Average Trend Sinals

주요 이동 평균 추세 신호

5 day EMA-Strong Movementum if this hold as support dor resistance

이것이 지지 또는 저항으로 유지되는 경우 5일 EMA-강력한 움직임

10 day-EMA-Indicator of the short term trends

10일-EMA-단기 추세 지표

20 day EMA-Reversion to the mean after an extended trend 

확장 추세 후 평균으로 복귀할 20일 EMA

50 day SMA-Key support level  in a long term uptrend

장기 상승 추세에서 50일 SMA-Key 지원 수준

100 day SMA- A big price dip inside a long term uptrend.

100일 SMA-장기적인 상승 추세 내에서 큰 가격 하락.

200 day SMA- A key signal of the end of uptrend or downtrend

200일 SMA- 상승 추세 또는 하락 추세의 끝을 알리는 주요 신호

250 day SMA- The return to true value zone

250일 SMA- 진정한 가치 영역으로의 복귀

Moving Average Crossover Signal

이동 평균 교차 신호

5 day EMA / 20 day EMA Crossover-Short-Term Swing Signal

5일 EMA / 20일 EMA 크로스오버-단기 스윙 시그널

10 day EMA/50 day EMA Crossover-Medium-TermTrend Signal

10일 EMA/50일 EMA 교차-중기-추세 신호

50 day SMA/200 day SMA Crossover Golden Cross-Long Term Trend

50일 SMA/200일 SMA 크로스오버 골든 크로스 장기 추세


공유 26회





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