전체 글 1273

Compound annual growth rate(복합 연간 성장률)

Compound annual growth rate(복합 연간 성장률) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Geometric progression ratio that provides a constant rate of return over the time period Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a business and investing specific term for the geometric progression ratio that provides a constant rate of return over the time period. 당해 기간 동안 일정한 수익률을 제공하는 기하학적 진행 비율인 CAGR(복합 연간 성장률)은 정해진 기..

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때)

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때) A breakout into an overbought price level as measured in the historical context of an oscillator. This is almost always a bad trade. $SPY breaking out into a 65 RSI is not the same as it breaking out of a long term price range, to all time highs over a 50 RSI. Buying a breakout without understanding where key price resistance levels..

Most Profitable Chart Patterns(가장 수익성 있는 차트 패턴)

Most Profitable Chart Patterns(가장 수익성 있는 차트 패턴) According to Thomas Bulkowski, the best performing and also most likely to be profitable chart patterns are: bullish flags that are high and tight that breakout to the upside and complex head and shoulders top chart patterns with breakouts to the downside. His picks are based on his exhaustive research and backtesting price action on chart patterns..