전체 글 1273

Trend Following Trading Strategy Guide(추세 추종 거래 전략 가이드)

Trend Following Trading Strategy 추세 추종 거래 전략 가이드 Trend following is the process of using reactive technical analysis to take trades in the direction of the primary chart trend and let them run as far as they will go with a trailing stop. Traditional trend following was developed and used for the futures markets like commodities, currencies, index futures, and others but it can also be used by st..

Option Strategies For High Volatility(고변동성을 위한 옵션 전략)

Option Strategies For High Volatility 고변동성을 위한 옵션 전략 BySteve Burns When implied volatility for options pricing is high it is usually the best risk/reward ratio to look at selling option premium with strategies like iron condors, credit spreads and short strangles. When implied volatility falls the price of options can drop quickly creating profits for short volatility option plays. 옵션 가격 책정에 대한 ..