전체 글 1273

Fast and Slow Thinking Summary(빠르고 느린 사고 요약)

Fast and Slow Thinking Summary 빠르고 느린 사고 요약 Here is a summary of the top lessons from the book Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman. 다음은 Daniel Kahneman의 책 사고, 빠르고 느림의 주요 교훈을 요약한 것입니다. System 1 vs System 2 시스템 1 대 시스템 2 Our behavior is determined by 2 systems in our mind – one conscious and the other automatic. We think fast using heuristics for things we are familiar with instantly connec..

Trailing Stop Loss(후행 손절매)

What is a trailing stop loss? 후행 손절매란 무엇입니까? A trailing stop loss is a risk management tool for locking in profits on a winning trade. A trailing stop is a strategy that moves the exit point for a trade as price moves in the right direction to increase profits. A trailing stop loss is a quantified strategy to keep a trader in a trend until the end when it starts to bend. 후행 손절매는 성공적인 거래에서 이익을 확보..

27 Rules to Help New Traders Build a Strong Foundation(신규 트레이더가 강력한 기반을 구축하는 데 도움이 되는 27가지 규칙)

27 Rules to Help New Traders Build a Strong Foundation 신규 트레이더가 강력한 기반을 구축하는 데 도움이 되는 27가지 규칙 As a trader you need rules to quantity the best decisions to make at any given time. As a new trader starting out you must start with a strong foundation of principles to both give you the ability to make profits and also avoid the risk of ruin. You need rules on how to execute your trading strategy whi..