전체 글 1273

damental Analysis of Stocks using CAN SLM(CAN SLIM을 사용한 주식의 기본 분석)

Fundamental Analysis of Stocks using CAN SLIM(CAN SLIM을 사용한 주식의 기본 분석)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: The CAN SLIM Investing System was created by William J. O’Neil after his study of the biggest winning stocks in the history of the stock market going back 130 years. He wanted to ..

20 Reasons Why 90% of New Traders Don’t Make It:(새로운 트레이더 중 90%가 성공하지 못하는 20가지 이유:)

20 Reasons Why 90% of New Traders Don’t Make It:(새로운 트레이더 중 90%가 성공하지 못하는 20가지 이유:) They risk too much to try to make so little. 그들은 그렇게 적게 만들려고 노력하는데 너무 많은 위험을 무릅쓴다. They trade with the probabilities against them. 그들대하는 확률로 거래한다.... They think trading is e..