전체 글 1273

How to Identify A Trend Reversal In A Stock(주식에서 추세 역전현상을 식별하는 방법)

How to Identify A Trend Reversal In A Stock(재고에서 추세 역전현상을 식별하는 방법)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: This is a list of things to look for as possible signs before a stock makes a top and rolls over. Alone these are just possibilities but the probabilities increase as more o..

Paul Tudor Jones 10 Trading Principles:(폴 튜더 존스 10 트레이딩 원칙)

Paul Tudor Jones 10 Trading Principles:(폴 튜더 존스 10 트레이딩 원칙) Paul Tudor Jones is one of the greatest traders that’s ever lived. He has the long term record to prove it. Here are 10 principles that made him a successful and profitable trader. ...Paul Tudor Jones는 지금까지 살았던 가장 위대한 거래자 중 한 명이다. 그는 그것을 증..

What Is ITM.OTM ATM????(ITM이란 무엇인가.OTM ATM?? )

What Is In The Money (ITM)?(ITM이란 무엇인가.OTM ATM?? ) In the money (ITM) is a term that refers to an option that possesses intrinsic value.(내재가치) ITM thus indicates that an option has value in a strike price that is favorable in comparison to the prevailing market price of the underlying asset: An in the money call option means the option holder has the opportunity to buy the security below its cur..