전체 글 1273

Hagakure: Trade Like A Samurai(사무라이처럼 거래를 하다)

Hagakure: Trade Like A Samurai (사무라이처럼 거래를 하다) The Hagakure: The Book of The Samurai records Yamamoto Tsunetomo’s views on bushido and the warrior code of the samurai. It was written in the early 18th century and explains many principles of the Samurai warrior. Many of these same principles can be used in business, sports, trading, and investing to achieve a warrior mindset and overcome your ego..

William J. O’Neil’s 10 Trading Principles that made him a Legend:

William J. O’Neil’s 10 Trading Principles that made him a Legend: William O’Neil is likely one of the greatest stock traders of our time. O’Neil made a large amount of money while he was only in his twenties, enough to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. Today, he runs a successful investment advisory company to big money firms, and is also the creator of the CAN SLIM growth investment st..