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Why A Stop Loss Is Important In Trading(거래에서 중단 손실이 중요한 이

Why A Stop Loss Is Important In Trading(거래에서 중단 손실이 중요한 이유)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Here are ten reasons a stop loss is so important in trading: 거래에서 정지 손실이 중요한 10가지 이유는 다음과 같다. A stop loss defines your price risk by quantifyi..

Top 10 Michael Burry Price Action Trading Quotes(Michael Burry가 인용한 Price Action 거래 상위 10개 항목:)

Top 10 Michael Burry Price Action Trading Quotes:(Michael Burry가 인용한 Price Action 거래 상위 10개 항목:) Michael J. Burry was once a physician then a hedge fund manager of Scion Capital from 2000 until 2008, before closing it to focus on his own personal investments and trades. Michael Burry was made famous by his depiction in the movie ‘The Big Short’ played..

How To Use Moving Averages As Price Action Signals(이동 Averages를 가격 행동 신호로 사용하는 방법)

How To Use Moving Averages As Price Action Signals(이동 Averages를 가격 행동 신호로 사용하는 방법)Posted By: Steve Burnson Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Moving averages are technical trading tools that can help identify trends on different time frames. They can replace opinions and predictions for making trading..

Breakouts can be signals based on price breaking (균열은 가격 파괴에 근거한 신호일 수 있다.)

Breakouts(탈주) can be signals based on price breaking and closing above a declining trend line, horizontal trend line, or a close above previous price range resistance 탈출은 하락 추세선, 수평 추세선 또는 이전 가격 범위 저항을 초과하는 가격파괴 및 마감을 기반으로하는 신호일 수 있습니다.. Once a breakout is entered a stop los..

Why Big Wins & Small Losses = Profitability:(왜 큰 이득과 작은 손실 = 수익성)

Why Big Wins & Small Losses = Profitability:(왜 큰 이득과 작은 손실 = 수익성) “It’s not whether you’re right or wrong that’s important, but how much money you make when you’re right and how much you lose when you’re wrong.” – George Soros 자신이 옳고 그른 것이 중요한 것이 아니라, 자신이 옳을 때 얼마나 많은 돈을 벌고, ..

Top 12 Howard Marks Trading Quotes(상위 12개 하워드 마크 트레이딩 견적서)

Top 12 Howard Marks Trading Quotes(상위 12개 하워드 마크 트레이딩 견적서)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Howard Marks is an investor, writer, and author. After working for Citibank early in his career at senior positions, he joined TCW in 1985 and created and managed the High Yield, Conver..

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles(Paul Tudor Jones의 22 무역 원칙)

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles (Paul Tudor Jones의 22 무역 원칙) Paul Tudor Jones famous interview and documentary “The Trader” is a classic amongst market professionals. It is one of the few places you can see a true Market Wizard and young money manager become a billionaire. Here are the lessons I have gleaned from watching the master in action: Paul Tudo..