거래기술에 관한 정보

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래의 첫 번째 원칙)

효성공인 2021. 10. 21. 14:45

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래의 첫 번째 원칙)


If you are losing money in the markets or having a large drawdown in capital it could be a good idea to go back and return to first principles.

시장에서 돈을 잃거나 자본이 크게 줄어들면 처음으로 돌아가 처음 원칙으로 돌아가는 것이 좋습니다.

First principles are the core concepts or accepted foundation of beliefs that a theory, process, system, or methodology is based. Profitable trading comes from using the right principles and process over time, not opinions, predictions, and just being good at it.

첫 번째 원칙은 이론, 프로세스, 시스템 또는 방법론이 기반으로 하는 핵심 개념 또는 신념의 인정된 기초입니다. 수익성 있는 거래는 의견, 예측이 아니라 시간이 지남에 따라 올바른 원칙과 프로세스를 사용하고 잘하는 데서 나옵니다.

Here are the core first principles of profitable trading.

다음은 수익성 있는 거래의 핵심 첫 번째 원칙입니다.

1) Creating good risk/reward ratios at entry.

잠재적인 보상은 손실 위험보다 2~3배 커야 합니다

Your potential reward should be two or three times greater than your risk of loss.

진입 시 좋은 위험/보상 비율을 만듭니다. .

2) Using stop losses on each trade to limit a loss on a trade if you are wrong.

각 거래에서 손절매를 사용하여 잘못된 경우 거래 손실을 제한합니다

This keeps losses small.

. 이것은 손실을 작게 유지합니다.

3) Position sizing to consider the risk and volatility of each trade.

각 거래의 위험과 변동성을 고려한 포지션 사이징

Position size limits the size of your losses.

. 포지션 규모는 손실 규모를 제한합니다.

4) Backtesting a price action strategy to see if it would have been profitable in the past.

가격 행동 전략을 백테스트하여 과거에 수익성이 있었는지 확인합니다

It doesn’t guarantee future success but it can show you what will not work.

. 미래의 성공을 보장하지는 않지만 작동하지 않는 것을 보여줄 수 있습니다

5) Understanding the potential drawdown in capital for your system from your equity peak.

자본 피크에서 시스템에 대한 자본의 잠재적인 감소를 이해합니다.

You must be able to handle your maximum drawdown mentally and emotionally.

 정신적으로나 감정적으로 최대 손실을 처리할 수 있어야 합니다.

6) The return on capital you are trying to achieve during the time frame you are focused on.

집중하고 있는 기간 동안 달성하고자 하는 자본 수익률.

Your goal for returns will help you set your trading parameters.

 수익 목표는 거래 매개변수를 설정하는 데 도움이 됩니다.

7) Your winning percentage expectations versus losing trades.

거래를 잃는 대 승률 기대치.

Your expectancy of winning trades helps you accept that losing trades are just part of the process.

 거래 성공에 대한 기대는 거래 손실이 프로세스의 일부일 뿐이라는 사실을 받아들이는 데 도움이 됩니다.

8) Your losing streak probability based on your historical win rate for your worst case scenario of consecutive losses. 

연속 패배의 최악의 시나리오에 대한 과거 승률을 기반으로 한 연속 패배 확률.

You need to know the odds of a losing streak so when it happens you won’t think your system stopped working.

연패의 확률을 알아야 시스템이 작동을 멈춘다고 생각하지 않을 것입니다.

9) Managing your risk of ruin by limiting your open risk and position sizing to eliminate the chance of eventually blowing up your account.

미해결 위험과 포지션 규모를 제한하여 결국 계정을 폭파시킬 가능성을 제거함으로써 파산 위험을 관리하십시오

10) Setting high probability profit targets to see if the maximum potential reward is worth the risk.

최대 잠재적 보상이 위험을 감수할 가치가 있는지 확인하기 위해 높은 확률의 이익 목표를 설정합니다.