Investing For Beginners: How To Read A Stock Chart(초보자를 위한 투자: 재고 관리도를 읽는 방법)
Written by
Chris Muller|
Stock picking is hard, and understanding stock charts is the first step toward success. Here's our beginner's guide on how to read a stock chart.
주식선택은 어렵고, 주식차트를 이해하는 것이 성공을 향한 첫걸음이다. 여기 주식 차트를 읽는 방법에 대한 초보자의 가이드가 있다.
The article below features a method for picking individual stocks. If you’re a new investor, we suggest starting out by investing in index funds or mutual funds.
아래 기사에는 개별 종목 선정 방법이 수록되어 있다. 신규투자자라면 인덱스펀드나 뮤추얼펀드에 투자하는 것으로 시작하는 것이 좋다.
This will keep your portfolio diversified and reduce risk while you learn more about the stock market.
이렇게 하면 당신의 포트폴리오가 다양해지고 주식시장에 대해 더 많이 알게 되는 동안 리스크를 줄일 수 있을 것이다.
If you do decide to invest in individual stocks, we don’t suggest you allocate more than 10 percent of your portfolio to individual stock picking. This article focuses on how to evaluate individual companies.
만약 당신이 개별 주식에 투자하기로 결정한다면, 우리는 당신이 포트폴리오의 10% 이상을 개별 주식선택에 할당하는 것을 제안하지 않는다. 이 기사는 개별 기업을 어떻게 평가할 것인가에 초점을 맞추고 있다.
If you’re an experienced investor and want to learn a key tool for picking individual stocks, read on.
만약 당신이 경험이 많은 투자가이고 개별 주식을 고르기 위한 핵심 도구를 배우고 싶다면, 계속 읽어라.
If you’re new to investing (or even if you’re not) you’d probably agree that reading a stock chart isn’t all that exciting. But it’s a core skill you’ll need if you want to find viable investments for your portfolio.
만약 당신이 투자를 처음 한다면(또는 그렇지 않더라도) 주식 차트를 읽는 것이 그렇게 신나는 것은 아니라는 것에 동의할 것이다. 하지만 포트폴리오에 대한 실행 가능한 투자를 찾고 싶다면 이 기술이 필요할 것이다.
Well, welcome to how to read a stock chart for beginners!
자, 초보자들을 위한 주식 차트를 읽는 방법에 온 것을 환영해!
In the article, I’ll break down the essentials stock chart and explain the key things you need to focus on.
기사에서는 필수 재고 차트를 세분화하여 중점적으로 설명하겠다.
Pair this with some knowledge of value investing and you’ll be well on your way to picking stocks.
이것을 가치 투자에 대한 지식과 결합히라 그러면 주식을 고르는 길에 잘 될 것이다.
What’s Ahead:앞에는
What is a stock chart?(주식차트란?)
How to read stok chart(주식차트를 읽는 방법
Stock trading tools(주식거래 기구)
My favorite website to look at basic stock information is Google Finance. I used to use Yahoo! Finance, but I think Google has a slicker(매끈한) interface.(연결기)
내가 가장 좋아하는 주식 정보는 구글 파이낸스야. 나는 야후를 사용했었다. 금융, 하지만 구글은 슬라이커 인터페이스가 있는 것 같다.
Now let’s take a look at a typical stock chart. We’ll use Apple for this article.
이제 일반적인 주식 차트를 살펴봅시다. 우리는 이 기사에 애플을 사용할 것이다.
If you don’t already know, the series of letters after the name of the company is the ticker symbol. It identifies the company on the stock exchange.
아직 모르면 회사 이름 뒤의 일련의 문서들은 티커 기호다. 그것은 증권 거래소에서 그 회사를 식별한다.
In this case, we’ll search AAPL, which is Apple’s ticker symbol. This is what we get:
이 경우 애플의 티커 기호인 AAPL을 검색한다. 이것이 우리가 얻는 것이다:
Next, click the button to expand the chart to full screen and it’ll look like this:
그런 다음 이 버튼을 클릭하여 차트를 전체 화면으로 확장하면 다음과 같이 표시된다.
I’ve also taken the liberty of filtering only to the last 10 years, which you can easily do by clicking the corresponding button (which I’ve highlighted for you).
나 또한 지난 10년 동안만의 필터링하는 자유를 취했는데, 그 관계 버튼)필터링 버턴 (내가 강조해 준 버튼)을 클릭하면 쉽게 할 수 있다.
So here we’re looking at the last 10 years of Apple’s stock. I bet you wish you would have gotten in in late 2008!
자, 이제 지난 10년간의 애플 주식에 대해 살펴봅시다. 나는 네가 2008년 말에 들어갔으면 좋았을 거라고 장담해!
Now let’s dive into the different pieces and parts of the stock chart so you can begin to read one like a pro.
이제 여러분이 프로처럼 하나를 읽기 시작할 수 있도록 주식 차트의 부분과 다른 여러 부분들에 대해 살펴봅시다.
You can easily buy stock on your own with Robinhood
로빈후드와 함께 손쉽게 주식을 살 수 있다.
The Robinhood app can make trading easier for investors by analyzing stocks through the use of quick-to-open charts. Below is a screenshot I took from my Robinhood account:
로빈후드 앱은 즉석 오픈 차트를 활용해 주식을 분석함으로써 투자자들의 거래 용이를 높일 수 있다. 아래는 내 로빈후드 계정에서 찍은 스크린샷이다.
As you can see, I can quickly filter the chart from one day all the way to five years’ worth of performance. What you can’t see is that I can tap my finger anywhere on the chart and get historical pricing. It’s pretty sweet, actually.
보시다시피 하루하루부터 5년치 실적까지 차트를 빠르게 걸러낼 수 있다. 네가 볼 수 없는 것은 내가 차트의 어느 곳에서든 손가락을 두드려 과거 가격을 받을 수 있다는 거야. 사실 꽤 달콤해.
Also, Robinhood has a really nice news stream. It’s kind of like a Facebook stream, only for stock news and great for staying up-to-date on market trends.
또한, 로빈후드는 정말 좋은 뉴스 흐름을 가지고 있다. 그것은 일종의 페이스북 스트림과 같다. 오직 주식 뉴스를 위한 것이고 시장 동향을 최신 상태로 유지하기에 좋다.
If you’re looking to invest on your own, trades cost $0 with Robinhood.
혼자서 투자하려고 한다면 로빈후드와 거래하는 데 0달러가 든다.
Advertiser Disclosure –( 광고주 공개)
This advertisement contains information and materials provided by Robinhood Financial LLC and its affiliates (“Robinhood”) and MoneyUnder30, a third party not affiliated with Robinhood. All investments involve risk and the past performance of a security, or financial product does not guarantee future results or returns. Securities offered through Robinhood Financial LLC and Robinhood Securities LLC, which are members of FINRA and SIPC. MoneyUnder30 is not a member of FINRA or SIPC.”
이 광고에는 로빈후드 파이낸셜 LLC와 그 계열사인 ("로빈후드")와 로빈후드와 제휴하지 않은 제3자인 머니언더30에 의하여 제공되는 정보와 자료가 수록되어 있다. 모든 투자는 위험을 수반하며 과거 증권의 실적 또는 금융상품은 미래의 결과나 수익을 보장하지 않는다. 증권은 FINRA 와 SIPC 회원인 로빈후드 금융LLC와 로빈후드 증권LLC 그리고 FINRA or SIPC의 회원이 아닌 MoneyUnder30를 통하여 제공된다
How to read a stock chart(주식차트를 읽는 방법)
1. Identify the trend line(추세선을 식별하라)
This is that blue line you see every time you hear about a stock—it’s either going up or down right? While the trend line seems like common sense, there are a few things I want to call out so you can understand it in a little more detail.
First, know that stocks will take huge dives and also make huge climbs. If you’ve followed the advice I gave in the value investing piece, you’ll know that you have to keep your emotions in check to be a successful investor.
Don’t react to large drops or huge gains in a positive or negative way. You should be using this piece of the stock chart merely to see what’s going on.
In fact, the trend line should lead you to dig further. For instance Apple as a company really took off from 2009 to 2012.
But what happened from 2012 to 2013? The stock began to sink—at one time, shares were down more than 4o percent!
This is where your trend line comes in handy. News comes and goes, but when news coincides with a dramatic shift in the trend line, it’s something to pay attention to.
If you saw something like this happen, I’d urge you to find out what’s going on with the company. Most strong companies can rebound from hits like this, but not all can.
For those that don’t know, right around this time Apple experienced a few major shifts:
First, it’s longtime CEO, Steve Jobs, resigned (2011). Also, around 2012, Apple noted that their profit margins were significantly decreasing, despite a growing smartphone market. Finally, they were trying to expand the smartphone into developing countries, where they were just too expensive to compete.
These factors, combined with plenty of other variables, contributed to the stock price falling.
But new CEO Tim Cook made some strategic moves with the company to turn it around, and the rest of the trend line shows that.
The lesson here is to use your trend line as a first-glance, high-level indicator of something to look into.
2. Look for lines of support and resistance
The next thing you’ll want to look at are the lines of resistance and support.
These are levels at which the stock stays within, over a given period of time. A level of support is a price that a stock is unlikely to drop below, while a level of resistance is one that it’s unlikely to go above.
That is until some major change occurs, such as a reduced profit margin.
Think of these lines like bumpers at a bowling alley. When you’re bowling, the ball bounces back and forth between these inflated barriers
A stock’s price does the same thing within these lines of support and resistance.
The goal here is to know when to buy and when to sell. Let’s take a look at Apple’s stock chart again to see an example:
These are subjective and interpreted differently by everyone, but the process is important. First know that everyone will draw lines of resistance and support differently, depending on their investment horizon (how long they plan to hold the stock).
So if you plan on holding it for a long time, you may not draw as many lines of support and resistance, because you don’t care as much about the ups and downs. But if you’re a short-term investor, you may draw more to analyze trends during a shorter period.
Let me break down the image above with each of the trend lines:
Line A is the very first line of support shown. Based on trends prior to this, I’d feel comfortable that the stock price won’t go below this point. I’d probably consider buying at this price or higher.
Line B is my first line of resistance. I see that the stock has peaked at that point for now and I wouldn’t expect it to go higher. I’d probably consider selling at this price or slightly lower.
As you can see with Line C, the stock has bottomed out again, thus creating a new line of support.
Line D shows the stock price has increased significantly and I’m comfortable establishing this as a new line of resistance.
You can see the trend continue with Lines E, F, G, and H, bringing new lines of support and resistance as time goes on.
If it seems complex, don’t fret. It is. And a lot of it is guesswork.
If I were to buy stock in Apple today, I’d make note of my most recent line of resistance (Line G) pricing out at just over $130 a share and my most recent line of support (Line H), which was pricing at around $90 a share.
Knowing this, I can safely assume that the stock price won’t drop below $90 and it shouldn’t go above $130, barring any major news or company changes.
At $113 per share currently, I feel that this is a good price point and would probably make a purchase. I might even wait to see if it drops below $110 to feel even better.
Knowing the lines of resistance can help you decide when to buy or sell a stock. Remember, though, that it’s subjective and it won’t give you a clear-cut road map on exactly what to do. You’ll have to use some of your own analysis and judgement.
3. Know when dividends and stock splits occur
At the bottom of the chart, you’ll see if and when the company issued a dividend, as well as if there was ever a stock split:
A dividend is when the company (the board of directors) decides to give a portion of its earnings back to its shareholders. If you own the stock, you get a small chunk of the profit.
Some companies issue dividends, some don’t. Just because a company does or doesn’t issue a dividend doesn’t mean it’s not worth investing in. There are plenty of other factors to consider.
Some companies just prefer to focus on growth, so they’ll reinvest their earnings as opposed to giving it back to the shareholders. Other companies (like Apple) can pay dividends without sacrificing growth.
As you can see by the image, Apple started issuing quarterly dividends to its shareholders midway through 2012.
You can also see that there was a stock split in 2014. A stock split is a strategic move done by the company’s board of directors to issue more shares of stock to the public.
In this case, Apple did a seven to one stock split (noted as 7:1), which means that for every share of AAPL you owned prior to the split, you’d now have seven. So if I owned 100 shares of APPL prior to the split, I’d now have 700.
The value of the company doesn’t change, but the share price might. Companies will often do this if the price isn’t in line with competitors or to attract smaller investors (if the share price decreases).
You can see the uptick in the trend line after the split occurred, too. Many times when a stock split happens, more people invest (since the share price is often lower) which increases demand and, in many cases, the overall share price.
4. Understand historic trading volumes
At the very bottom of the chart you can see many small, vertical lines. This is a trend of the volumes at which the stock is traded.
Volumes are good to know, but shouldn’t be your only determining factor when buying a stock. Usually trading volumes increase when there is major news (good or bad) about the company.
When volumes are increasing, it can also shift the price of the stock quickly. Let’s look at an example:
In Line A, you can see there was a high volume of trading activity that corresponded with a drop in the stock price. There may have been news that day that caused people to panic (aside from the entire economy crashing that year).
In Line B, you can see a slight uptick in trading volume that corresponds with an upward trend in the stock price.
Don’t always assume there will be a correlation between stock price and trading volume, but it’s good to know what the volumes have been in the past and what they are currently before making a decision.
With high volumes comes greater ease when buying or selling. If a lot of people are trading the stock that day, you should be able to buy or sell it quickly.
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