전체 글 1273

Top Ten Warren Buffett Investment Quotes(10대 워렌 버핏 투자 인용구)

Top Ten Warren Buffett Investment Quotes(10대 워렌 버핏 투자 인용구)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Warren Buffett has established himself as one of the greatest investors of all time in both size of operations and consistent long term return on capital. He has created the sixth largest company..

Jesse Livermore’s 10 Key Principles:(제시 리버모어의 10대 원칙: |)

Jesse Livermore’s 10 Key Principles:(제시 리버모어의 10대 원칙: |) Livermore’s wealth was built primarily from big position trades that lasted for weeks or longer. He made his big money holding a trend not scalping (박리로 팔다)or day trading. Which was very difficult in those days with commission costs and speed of execution. 리버모어의 재산은 주..