전체 글 1273

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles(Paul Tudor Jones의 22 무역 원칙)

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles (Paul Tudor Jones의 22 무역 원칙) Paul Tudor Jones famous interview and documentary “The Trader” is a classic amongst market professionals. It is one of the few places you can see a true Market Wizard and young money manager become a billionaire. Here are the lessons I have gleaned from watching the master in action: Paul Tudo..

Moving Average Trading Strategy That Crushes Buy and Hold(매수와 매수를 분쇄하는 이동 평균 거래 전략)

Moving Average Trading Strategy That Crushes Buy and Hold(매수와 매수를 분쇄하는 이동 평균 거래 전략)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Buy and hold investing on the S&P 500 index with a low cost mutual fund is a top performing system first made popular by Jack Bogle. Warren Buffett also r..