전체 글 1273

10 Jesse Livermore Price Action Trading Quotes(10 제시 리버모어가 인용한 가격 행동 거래)

10 Jesse Livermore Price Action Trading Quotes((10 제시 리버모어가 인용한 가격 행동 거래)Posted By: Steve Burnson: September 27, 2019 Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Jesse Livermore was an early innovator in the trading world as one of the first traders to create a trading plan and a system. He basically invented ..

Beyond Technical Analysis: A Winning Trading System:(기술 분석을 넘어서: 승자 거래 시스템:)

Beyond Technical Analysis: A Winning Trading System:(기술 분석을 넘어서: 승자 거래 시스템:) This is a great book on trading because it does not examine just one topic in trading it brings together all the areas of trading one must master in the markets and shows the reader how to turn it into a complete trading system. 이것은 거래에 관한 하나의 주제..

12 Price Action Trading Quotes by Ed Seykota:(12 Ed Seykota가 인용한 가격행동 거래)

12 Price Action Trading Quotes by Ed Seykota:(12 Ed Seykota가 인용한 가격행동거래) When traders want advice on their trading what better place to go than someone who had both big and consistent returns over a very long period of time? 거래자들이 그들의 거래에 대해 조언을 원할 때, 아주 오랜 기간 동안 크고 일관된 수익을 올린 사람..