전체 글 1273

What Moving Average Is Better? SMA vs EMA(SMA VS EMA 중에 어느 이동편균이 좋은가???)

What Moving Average Is Better? SMA vs EMA((SMA VS EMA 중에 어느 이동편균이 좋은가???)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: I get asked all the time the question: “What moving average is better the simple moving average or the exponential moving average?” The answer to this is that it depends on..

The Best Back Tested Trading Strategies With Moving Averages:(이동평균으로 최상의 백태스한 거래전략

The Best Back Tested Trading Strategies With Moving Averages:(이동 평균으로 최상의 백테스팅된 거래전략) What is the best back tested trading strategies with moving averages? 이동 평균으로 가장 잘 백테스트된 거래 전략은 무엇인가? What is the best specific moving average signal for capturing stock market trends? 주식 시장 동향을 ..

12 Price Action Trading Quotes by Ed Seykota(Ed Seykota가 인용한 12거래가격조치 거래

12 Price Action Trading Quotes by Ed Seykota(Ed Seykota가 인용한 12거래가격조치)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: When traders want advice on their trading what better place to go than someone who had both big and consistent returns over a very long period of time? 상인들이 그들의 거래..