전체 글 1273

Do 80% of Options Expire Worthless?(옵션의 80%가 무의미하게 만료됩니까?)

Do 80% of Options Expire Worthless(옵션의 80%가 무의미하게 만료됩니까?) BySteve Burns A common misunderstanding among new option traders is that 80% to 90% of all option contracts expire worthless, so a seller of option premium will have a higher win rate than a trader that buys options. This belief misinterprets a statistic published by the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) that only 10% of option contra..

Top 10 Tips To Give Yourself An Edge Trading(엣지 트레이딩을 제공할 10가지 팁)

Top 10 Tips To Give Yourself An Edge Trading(엣지 트레이딩을 제공할 10가지 팁) What is an edge in trading? An edge in trading is simply a process that allows your winning trades to add up to more than your losing trades do over the long term. An edge can be that your winning trades are so large that they make up for your losing trades and more to make you profitable. An edge can also be a high winning percen..

Automate Geo-Failover with Prepared Queries(준비된 쿼리로 지역 장애 조치 자동화)

Automate Geo-Failover with Prepared Queries(준비된 쿼리로 지역 장애 조치 자동화) Within a single datacenter, Consul provides automatic failover for services by omitting failed service instances from DNS lookups and by providing service health information in APIs. 단일 데이터 센터 내에서 Consul은 DNS 조회에서 실패한 서비스 인스턴스를 생략하고 API에서 서비스 상태 정보를 제공하여 서비스에 대한 자동 장애 조치를 제공합니다. When there are no more instances of a service availa..