전체 글 1273

William J. O’Neil’s 10 Trading Principles:(William J. O'Neil의 10가지 거래 원칙:)

William J. O’Neil’s 10 Trading Principles:(William J. O'Neil의 10가지 거래 원칙:) William O’Neil is likely one of the greatest stock traders of our time. O’Neil made a large amount of money while he was only in his twenties, enough to buy a seat on the New York Stock Exchange. Today, he runs a successful investment advisory company to big money firms, and is also the creator of the CAN SLIM growth inve..

How to Use Bollinger Bands (볼린저 밴드 사용 방법)

How to Use Bollinger Bands (볼린저 밴드 사용 방법) Bollinger Bands are a technical indicator created by John Bollinger in the 1980s. They were created to form a quantified visual trading range that was adaptive to dynamic volatility expansion and contraction. 볼린저 밴드는 1980년대 존 볼린저가 만든 기술적 지표입니다. 그들은 동적 변동성 확장 및 수축에 적응할 수 있는 정량화된 시각적 거래 범위를 형성하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. “Bollinger Bands are use a measure of central ten..

Implied Volatility Crush Explained(내재된 변동성 충돌 설명)

Implied Volatility Crush Explained(내재된 변동성 충돌 설명) IV crush stands for implied volatility crush and is a description of what happens to options vega premium when it drops dramatically out of the pricing model of an option chain. This usually happens after a major risk or news event has passed for the underlying stock or market for the option contract. The most common time to see IV crush in a sto..