전체 글 1273

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading(거래를 절대 포기하지 말아야 하는 7가지 이유)

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading(거래를 절대 포기하지 말아야 하는 7가지 이유) Early on, new traders will want to give up. Particularly when they figure out that the first few years are more about studying and paying tuition in losses, than in making money. Trading is a two-sided competition, and you have to be on the right side of the trade to make profits. 초기에, 새로운 거래자들은 포기하기를 원할 것입니다. 특히 그들이 처음 몇 년은 돈을 버는 것보다..

Cup and Handle Pattern(컵 및 핸들 패턴)

Cup and Handle Pattern(컵 및 핸들 패턴) The cup and handle pattern is a bullish continuation pattern and momentum buy signal as it breaks out of the ‘handle’ in the formation. It was originally intended to be used with high growth stocks within the ‘CAN SLIM’ system. 컵과 핸들 패턴은 강세 지속 패턴이며 핸들 형태에서 이탈함에 따라서 모멘텀 매수 신호입니다. 원래 'CAN SLIM' 시스템 내에서 고성장 주식과 함께 사용하기 위한 것이었습니다. I cup and handle chart pattern idea..

Cantillon Effect(칸티용 효과)

Cantillon Effect(칸티용 효과) Cantillon 1.Richard, 칸티용(c1680-1734): 아일랜드 태생인 프랑스의 경제학자. BySteve Burns A Cantillon effect is a change in prices related to one another that was caused due to a change in the money supply, first discovered by Richard Cantillon an 18th-century economist. History shows that some assets are favored over other ones when extra money is available in the economy for spending an..