전체 글 1273

Things I Learned After 30 Years of Trading(거래 30년 후에 알았던 일들)

Things I Learned After 30 Years of Trading(거래 30년 후에 알았던 일들) Here are 65 lessons I learned after spending thirty years trading and investing in the stock market from 1991-2021. 다음은 1991년부터 2021년까지 30년 동안 주식 시장에서 거래하고 투자한 후 배운 65가지 교훈입니다. A trend can go farther and longer than I ever expect. 트렌드는 내가 예상하는 것보다 더 멀리 그리고 더 오래 갈 수 있습니다 The best traders are open-minded and flexible in their trades. 최고의..

Things I Wished I Knew When I Started Trading(내가 거래를 시작할 때 알고 싶었던 것들)

Things I Wished I Knew When I Started Trading(내가 거래를 시작할 때 알고 싶었던 것 Some days I wish I could travel back in time 25 years and teach myself what I have learned in the markets the hard way. I was fortunate to make money early on with the benefit of the nineties bull market. I wish I would have known then how to keep all those profits and not go into a deep draw down in 2000-2002. I always had a bi..

How to be a Profitable Trader in 7 Steps(7단계로 수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 방법)

How to be a Profitable Trader in 7 Steps(7단계로 수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 방법) 1) Is forex trading profitable? 외환 거래가 수익성이 있습니까? 2) Is day trading profitable? 데이 트레이딩이 수익성이 있습니까? Are commonly asked questions by new traders but the answer can be yes or no depending on how someone trades. Yes, trading is profitable if you have a positive expectancy model where the average win is bigger than the average loss ov..

카테고리 없음 2021.12.29