전체 글 1273

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때)

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때) A breakout into an overbought price level as measured in the historical context of an oscillator. This is almost always a bad trade. $SPY breaking out into a 65 RSI is not the same as it breaking out of a long term price range, to all time highs over a 50 RSI. 오실레이터의 역사적 맥락에서 측정한 과매수 가격 수준으로의 돌파. 이것은 거의 항상 나쁜 거래입니다. $SPY가 65 RSI로 돌파..

Traffic Splitting for Service Deployments(서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할)

Traffic Splitting for Service Deployments(서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할) 서비스 배포를 위한 트래픽 분할 When you deploy a new version of a service, you need a way to start using the new version without causing downtime for your end users. You can't just take the old version down and deploy the new one, because for a brief period you would cause downtime. This method runs the additional risk of being hard to roll back if..

나의 이야기 2021.12.06

Best Moving Average Crossover For Swing Trading(스윙 트레이딩을 위한 최고의 이동 평균 크로스오버)

Best Moving Average Crossover(교차) For Swing Trading(스윙 트레이딩을 위한 최고의 이동 평균 크로스오버) What is the best moving average crossover for swing trading? My favorite moving average crossover for swing trading that I have also confirmed through backtesting on the momentum names on my watchlist is the 5 day exponential moving average / 20 day exponential moving average crossover on the daily chart. 스윙 트레이딩을 위..