전체 글 1273

Linda Bradford Raschke – 50 Time Tested Classic Stock Trading Rules(Linda Bradford Raschke – 50번의 테스트를 거친 클래식 주식 거래 규칙)

Linda Bradford Raschke – 50 Time Tested Classic Stock Trading Rules (Linda Bradford Raschke – 50번의 테스트를 거친 클래식 주식 거래 규칙) 1. Plan your trades. Trade your plan. 거래를 계획하세요. 계획을 거래하십시오. 2. Keep records of your trading results. 거래 결과를 기록하십시오. 3. Keep a positive attitude, no matter how much you lose. 아무리 손해를 보더라도 긍정적인 태도를 유지하십시오. 4. Don’t take the market home. 시장을 집으로 가져가지 마라. 5. Continually set highe..

Control Your Ego, Listen to Your Emotions by Brett Steenbarger(자아를 통제하고, 브렛 스텐바거의 감정을 들어라.)

Control Your Ego, Listen to Your Emotions by Brett Steenbarger(자아를 통제하고, 브렛 스텐바거의 감정을 들어라.) A commonly encountered view in writings on trading psychology is that good decisions require that we tame our emotions through discipline and self-control. Many of those same writings talk about trusting your gut and not overthinking decisions. How we are to be open to our feel for markets and yet trade i..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.30