전체 글 1273

Inspirational Trading Quotes(영감을 받은 거래 인용문)

Inspirational Trading Quotes(영감을 받은 거래 인용문) Posted By: Steve Burnson: No matter where you are in your trading or investing journey it is good to stay inspired and focused on your long-term goals and prize. Psychology can be 80% of winning in the markets as quitting is so easy and perseverance can seem so difficult during losing streaks or drawdowns in capital. It is important to keep the right m..

Types of Traders(거래자의 유형)

Types of Traders(거래자의 유형) Posted By: Steve Burnson: There are many different types of traders in the financial markets. They trade different markets and on different time frames. Here is a list of types of traders on different time frames. 금융 시장에는 다양한 유형의 거래자가 있습니다. 그들은 다른 시장과 다른 시간대에 거래합니다. 다음은 다양한 시간대의 거래자 유형 목록입니다. Day traders: (데이 트레이더:) Day traders open and close their trades inside regular..

Trading Lessons from The Art of War(전쟁의 기술에서 배우는 거래)

Trading Lessons from The Art of War(전쟁의 기술에서 배우는 거래) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Revered the world over for centuries as the essential text for warfare and battle by the ancient philosopher and general Sun Tzu (544 BC–496 BC) explains the principles for dealing with war, personal conflicts, and achieving success in the battles of life. 고대 철학자이자 장군인 쯔(BC 544~496년)에 의한 전쟁과 전투의 필수 텍스트로서 수세기 동안 존경 받아 ..