분류 전체보기 1273

How To Use Moving Averages As Price Action Signals(이동 평균을 가격 조치 신호로 사용하는 방법)

How To Use Moving Averages As Price Action Signals 이동 평균을 가격 조치 신호로 사용하는 방법 Moving averages are technical trading tools that can help identify trends on different time frames. They can replace opinions and predictions for making trading decisions by being used as signals. Moving averages can identify trends in real time but are not as useful during choppy or range bound markets. 이동 평균은 다양한 시간대의 ..

Trading Board Games(트레이딩 보드 게임)

Trading Board Games(트레이딩 보드 게 There are board games that do have many of the same principles of trading the financial markets. The following games can help a trader develop winning strategies, create an edge, understand game theory, probabilities, math, and human psychology. 금융 시장을 거래하는 많은 동일한 원칙을 가진 보드 게임이 있습니다. 다음 게임은 거래자가 승리 전략을 개발하고, 우위를 창출하고, 게임 이론, 확률, 수학 및 인간 심리를 이해하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. Ches..

How to correctly use CrossOver/CrossUnder(CrossOver/CrossUnder를 올바르게 사용하는 방법)

How to correctly use CrossOver/CrossUnder CrossOver/CrossUnder를 올바르게 사용하는 방법 Postby et1hugo I'm working on a simple crossover/crossunder study based on John Ehler's super smoother. It is sort of like a moving average but it is supposed to decrease the lag that you typically have with moving averages. Everything works fine except(제외하고는) the VariableSeries CrossOver/CrossUnder methods seems to bia..

Moving Average Crossover with RSI Filter:(RSI 필터를 사용한 이동 평균 크로스오버:)

Moving Average Crossover with RSI Filter: RSI 필터를 사용한 이동 평균 크로스오버: Simple trend trading signals have the best chance of having an edge as they create big wins and small losses by their structure of letting winners run and cutting losers short. Also, adjusting a trend signal that is a positive expectancy model with a simple filter can improve its risk/reward ratio.단순 추세 트레이딩 신호는 승자를 달리게 하고 패자를 짧게..

The training of a stock trader is like a medical education.(주식 거래자의 훈련은 의학 교육과 같습니다)

The training of a stock trader is like a medical education.(주식 거래자의 훈련은 의학 교육과 같습니다) “The physician has to spend long years learning anatomy, physiology, materia medica and collateral subjects by the dozen. 의사는 해부학, 생리학, 의약품, 부수적인 과목을 수십 년씩 배워야 한다. “He learns the theory and then proceeds to devote his life to the practice. He observes and classifies all sorts of pathological phenomena. He learns..

30 Reasons Most Traders Don’t Make Money(대부분의 트레이더가 돈을 벌지 못하는 30가지 이유)

30 Reasons Most Traders Don’t Make Money(대부분의 트레이더가 돈을 벌지 못하는 30가지 이유) The common held belief in the trading world is that 90% of traders are not profitable long term. This was based off some old studies of brokerage accounts. I read the original source article long ago in a trading book that referenced it. Other more recent studies seem to have found that the failure rate could be as high as 95..