분류 전체보기 1273

Jordan Belfort Net Worth Now(Jordan Belfort 현재 가치)

Jordan Belfort Net Worth Now(Jordan Belfort 현재 가치) BY Steve Burns The current Jordan Belfort net worth in 2022 is approximately negative -$100 million because he owes to victims of his old firm. 2022년 현재 Jordan Belfort의 순자산은 이전 회사의 피해자들에게 빚을 지고 있기 때문에 약 -1억 달러입니다. Jordan Belfort is best known for his best selling 2007 Wolf of Wall Street memoir book that was later turned into a blockbuster movie..

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(거래 심리학을 이해하기 위한 안내서)

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(거래 심리학을 이해하기 위한 안내서) The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or the stock picking. It is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself along with the ego’s need to be right. From the stress of entering a trade, to the fear of losing the open paper profits that you are holding in a winning trade, how you deal with ..

How the blockchain is revolutionising digital chess 블록체인이 디지털 체스를 혁신하는 방법

How the blockchain is revolutionising digital chess 블록체인이 디지털 체스를 혁신하는 방법 It’s been referred to as the “Queen’s Gambit effect”: in the aftermath of the breakout success of the October 2020 Netflix show about fictional, struggling chess grandmaster Beth Harmon, the game of chess went through its very own moment of global momentum. "이를 "여왕의 갬빗 효과"라고 합니다": 2020년 10월 Netflix 쇼에서 허구의 고군분투하는 체스 그랜드 마스..

나의 이야기 2022.01.20

How to Use Bollinger Bands(볼린저 밴드 사용 방법)

How to Use Bollinger Bands(볼린저 밴드 사용 방법) Bollinger Bands are a technical indicator created by John Bollinger in the 1980s. They were created to form a quantified visual trading range that was adaptive to dynamic volatility expansion and contraction. 볼린저 밴드는 1980년대 존 볼린저가 만든 기술적 지표입니다. 그들은 동적 변동성 확장 및 수축에 적응할 수 있는 정량화된 시각적 거래 범위를 형성하기 위해 만들어졌습니다. “Bollinger Bands are use a measure of central tend..

What Causes A Chart Pattern?(차트 패턴의 원인은 무엇입니까?)

What Causes A Chart Pattern?(차트 패턴의 원인은 무엇입니까?) What exactly is a chart pattern?(차트 패턴이란 정확히 무엇입니까 A chart pattern is a visual representation of the actions of buyers and sellers in a market recorded in price action. 차트 패턴은 가격 행동에 기록된 시장에서 구매자와 판매자의 행동을 시각적으로 표현한 것입니다. A chart is not predictive of the future but shows what is happening with buyers and sellers in the present moment. 차트는 미래를 예측하는 ..

카테고리 없음 2022.01.19

Here is the candlestick patterns cheat sheet for The Strat Combos trading strategy created by Rob F. Smith.다음은 Rob F. Smith가 만든 The Strat Combos 거래 전략에 대한 촛대 패턴 치트 시트입니다.

Here is the candlestick patterns cheat sheet for The Strat Combos trading strategy created by Rob F. Smith. 다음은 Rob F. Smith가 만든 The Strat Combos 거래 전략에 대한 촛대 패턴 치트 시트입니다. This image started as a sketch from Sara Strat Sniper and was turned into an infographic cheat sheet by Kostchamore on Twitter. 이 이미지는 새라 스트랫 스나이퍼의 스케치로 시작되어 트위터에서 코스트차모어에 의해 인포그래픽 커닝 시트로 바뀌었다. Printable Candlestick Patterns C..

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정)

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정) Most people don’t associate love with financial health, but your choice of life partner will be one of the most important financial life decisions you make. Staying single decreases your risk of ruin by marrying the wrong person, but getting married drops your expenses in half and doubles your chances of financial success...

나의 이야기 2022.01.16

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory(니콜라스 다르바스 상자 이론)

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory(니콜라스 다르바스 상자 이론) The Nicolas Darvas box theory is a trend trading method where a breakout of price is bought and held as ranges build on top of each other. Nicolas Darvas used this process in the 1950’s to make over $2.25 million in a strong bull market. He was a top touring ballroom dancer by profession and developed his mechanical trading strategy to use buy stops and..

Top Finance Documentaries on Netflix(Netflix 최고의 금융 다큐멘터리)

Top Finance Documentaries on Netflix(Netflix 최고의 금융 다큐멘터리) Here is a list of my picks for the top ten financial documentaries available on Netflix at the time of this writing that you can watch with a subscription. These documentaries are informative, educational, and most are also entertaining. This is a great way to raise your financial IQ and are basically free if you are already paying Netfl..