전체 글 1273

Why A Stop Loss Is Important In Trading(거래에서 중단 손실이 중요한 이유)

Home Risk Management Why A Stop Loss Is Important In Trading(거래에서 중단 손실이 중요한 이유) Why A Stop Loss Is Important In TradingPosted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: 1.Here are tenhelps(10가지 도움말) define your trade size. By knowing what price you are going to exit a losing trade y..

Ways To Trade Like A Market Wizard:(시장마법사처럼 거래하는 방법)

Ways To Trade Like A Market Wizard:(:(시장마법사처럼 거래하는 방법) The following is a summarized excerpt from Jack D Schwager’s book, The New Market Wizards. I highly recommend this book for all active traders 다음은 잭 D 슈바이저의 저서 '새로운 시장 마법사'의 요약된 발췌문이다. 나는 이 책을 모든 활동적인 무역업자들..