거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Compound annual growth rate(복합 연간 성장률)

Compound annual growth rate(복합 연간 성장률) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Geometric progression ratio that provides a constant rate of return over the time period Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is a business and investing specific term for the geometric progression ratio that provides a constant rate of return over the time period. 당해 기간 동안 일정한 수익률을 제공하는 기하학적 진행 비율인 CAGR(복합 연간 성장률)은 정해진 기..

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때)

Breakouts: When To Buy and When to Pass(브레이크 아웃 : 구매할 때와 통과할 때) A breakout into an overbought price level as measured in the historical context of an oscillator. This is almost always a bad trade. $SPY breaking out into a 65 RSI is not the same as it breaking out of a long term price range, to all time highs over a 50 RSI. Buying a breakout without understanding where key price resistance levels..

Most Profitable Chart Patterns(가장 수익성 있는 차트 패턴)

Most Profitable Chart Patterns(가장 수익성 있는 차트 패턴) According to Thomas Bulkowski, the best performing and also most likely to be profitable chart patterns are: bullish flags that are high and tight that breakout to the upside and complex head and shoulders top chart patterns with breakouts to the downside. His picks are based on his exhaustive research and backtesting price action on chart patterns..

Passive Income vs. Residual Income: An Overview(수동 소득 대 잔여 소득: 개요)

Passive Income vs. Residual Income: An Overview(수동 소득 대 잔여 소득: 개요) If an individual's passive income is big enough, it can free up (자유롭게 하다)their time to do other things besides work. And although it may be risky when establishing the mechanism for passive income, it also offers increasing levels of financial security. If it provides steady cash flow, passive income can provide significant secur..

Selling Covered Calls: How To Generate Yield In A Low Yield Environment

Selling Covered Calls: How To Generate Yield In A Low Yield Environment Posted By: Steve Burnson: This is a guest post from Gavin McMaster @OptiontradinIQ Options Trading IQ(@OptiontradinIQ) 님 | 트위터 @OptiontradinIQ 님 언뮤트하기 @OptiontradinIQ 님 뮤트하기 팔로우 @OptiontradinIQ 님 팔로우하기 팔로잉 @OptiontradinIQ 님 팔로우 중 언팔로우 @OptiontradinIQ 님 언팔로우하기 차단됨 @OptiontradinIQ 님이 차단됨 twitter.com Searching for income has be..

There is no such thing as principal(원금 같은건 없다)

- There is no such thing as principal( 원금 같은건 없다) I personally experienced three downtrends in 2008, 2011, and 2020. 직접은 2008년, 2011년, 2020년 하락장 3번 겪어봤는데, It is relatively easy to hold out when a bear market falls. Everyone hates to sell at a loss, so they don't sell well. Rather, it is more difficult not to sell and hold on when the principal rises more than the principal after the rebound. 하락장..

10 Jesse Livermore Price Action Trading Quotes(10 제시 리버모어 가격 행동 거래 인용문)

10 Jesse Livermore Price Action Trading Quotes(10 제시 리버모어 가격 행동 거래 인용문) Jesse Livermore was an early innovator in the trading world as one of the first traders to create a trading plan and a system. He basically invented price action trading and trend following in the early 20th century. He had higher highs and lower lows than most people can even imagine, he both became wealthy and blew up his ..

Top 10 Tips To Give Yourself An Edge Trading(엣지 트레이딩을 위한 10가지 팁)

Top 10 Tips To Give Yourself An Edge Trading(엣지 트레이딩을 위한 10가지 팁) What is an edge in trading? An edge in trading is simply a process that allows your winning trades to add up to more than your losing trades do over the long term. An edge can be that your winning trades are so large that they make up for your losing trades and more to make you profitable. An edge can also be a high winning percent..

Jade Lizards Option Strategy(Jade Lizards 옵션 전략 )

Jade Lizards Option Strategy( Jade Lizards 옵션 전략) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The jade lizard is an option play that is created by opening a bearish vertical spread using call options and adding a put option sold at a strike price lower than the call spread strike prices. 옥도마뱀 전략은 콜옵션을 사용하여 약세 수직스프레드를 오픈하고 콜스프레드 행사가보다 낮은 행사가에 매도된 풋옵션을 추가하여 생성되는 옵션플레이입니다. Using one underlying stock with the same ex..