거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

10 Tips for Trading a Downtrend(다운트렌드 거래에 대한 10가지 팁)

10 Tips for Trading a Downtrend(다운트렌드 거래에 대한 10가지 팁) Buy the deepest dips into oversold territory. Indexes tend to snap back (잽싸게 돌아오다)to the previous days low, the 5 day ema, 200 day sma, and the 30 RSI. Sell the rallies(경주,회복) back into resistance. The short term resistance can be the high of the day, a rally back to green, and..

Jesse Livermore’s 10 Key Principles:(제시 리버모어의 10가지 주요 원칙:)

Jesse Livermore’s 10 Key Principles:(제시 리버모어의 10가지 주요 원칙:) Livermore’s wealth was built primarily from big position trades that lasted for weeks or longer. He made his big money holding a trend not scalping(박리다매로 파는 것) or day trading. Which was very difficult in those days with commission costs and speed of execution. 리버모어..

Current Michael Bloomberg Net Worth 2020(2020년 현재 마이클 블룸버그 순 가치)

Current Michael Bloomberg Net Worth 2020(2020년 현재 마이클 블룸버그 순 가치)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Michael Bloomberg’s net worth is currently $61.9 billion as of February 2020. This is up approximately $10 billion from November 2019. He is currently the 12th richest person in the world and the 12th richest person in the USA. 미첼 블룸버그의 순자산..

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Price Action Trading Quotes:(나심 니콜라스 테일럽 가격 행동 거래 인용문:)

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Price Action Trading Quotes:(나심 니콜라스 테일럽 가격 행동 거래 인용문:) Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a best selling author, philosopher, scholar, and statistician. He had a long career as a professional option trader and hedge fund manager. His expertise was as a risk analyst focusing his work on the problems of outliers and fat tail event..