거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

The Top Dangers of Market Volatility(시장 변동성의 주요 위험 요소)

The Top Dangers of Market Volatility(시장 변동성의 주요 위험 요소)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: While many traders love volatility and need it to trade in their timeframe it creates as many risks as it does opportunities. If you are on the right side of volatility you can make a lot of mon..

Why Egos Cause the Biggest Trading Errors:(에고스가 가장 큰 거래 오류를 일으키는 이유:)

Why Egos Cause the Biggest Trading Errors:(에고스가 가장 큰 거래 오류를 일으키는 이유:) The ego is a person’s sense of self-esteem or self-importance. The ego is a mental construct that can be both on a conscious and unconscious level. An ego is the self concept that a person tries to protect and keep safe from pain and destruction. 자아는 사람의 자..

Using Moving Averages as Risk Management Tools(이동 평균을 위험 관리 도구로 사용)

Using Moving Averages as Risk Management Tools(이동 평균을 위험 관리 도구로 사용)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Moving averages are primarily used as trend indicators and trend filters. They are quantified technical trading indicators that can be used for backtesting and signal creation. U..

Top Ten Dow Jones Industrial Average Drops in History(역사상 10대 다우존스 산업 평균 하락)

Top Ten Dow Jones Industrial Average Drops in History(역사상 10대 다우존스 산업 평균 하락)Posted By: Steve Burnson: March 10, 2020 Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: With the recent historic volatility in the stock market I thought it could give some perspective to look at both the largest point drops on the Dow Jones ..

The Top Ten Metrics of Risk Management:(리스크 관리의 상위 10개 메트릭입니다.)

The Top Ten Metrics of Risk Management:(리스크 관리의 상위 10개 메트릭입니다.) In trading there are two sides of the game, how much you can make when a trade is a winner and also how much you can lose when a trade does not work out. It is like in sports where you have to play both offense and defense, there are two sides of a game, how many points you can score ..