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10 Ways A Trader Can Diversify Their Life:(거래자가 삶을 다양화하는 10가지 방법:)

10 Ways A Trader Can Diversify Their Life:(거래자가 삶을 다양화하는 10가지 방법:) You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius 너는 외부의 사건이 아니라 네 마음을 지배하는 힘을 가지고 있다. 이것을 깨달으면 힘을 얻게 될 것이다." - 마르쿠스 아우..

The 5 Most Important Trading Lessons:(가장 중요한 5가지 거래 교훈:)

The 5 Most Important Trading Lessons:(가장 중요한 5가지 거래 교훈:) Here are the first and most important lessons that a new trader needs to understand. All traders have to learn these lessons either the easy way and learn them from others or they can learn them the hard way by losing their own money. Do not start trading until you have a quantified trading system w..

5 Steps To Creating A Price Action Trading System:(가격 행동 거래 시스템 구축을 위한 5단계:)

5 Steps To Creating A Price Action Trading System:(가격 행동 거래 시스템 구축을 위한 5단계:) A price action trading system is a process for using new price data to make buy and sell decisions on a watch list of markets. A price action trading system attempts to use entry and exit signals that have an edge by creating good risk/reward ratios that lead to profita..

The First Principles for Profitable Trading:(수익성 거래의 첫 번째 원칙:)

The First Principles for Profitable Trading:(수익성 거래의 첫 번째 원칙:) If you are losing money in the markets or having a large drawdown in capital it could be a good idea to go back and return to first principles. 만약 당신이 시장에서 돈을 잃거나 자본이 많이 부족하다면, 다시 돌아가서 첫번째 원칙으로 돌아가는 것이 좋은..

On This Day In History: The First American Paper Money(역사에서 오늘: 최초의 미국 지폐)

On This Day In History: The First American Paper Money(역사에서 오늘: 최초의 미국 지폐)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: On this Day in history in February 3, 1690, the Massachusetts Bay Colony printed and released the first ever paper money in the Americas. 1690년 2월 3일 이 날, 매사..

나의 이야기 2020.02.04

How to Trade With the MACD Indicator:(MACD 표시기로 거래하는 방법:

How to Trade With the MACD Indicator:(MACD 표시기로 거래하는 방법:) The MACD (Pronounced Mac-Dee), is short for moving average convergence/divergence, it is a technical trading indicator used in technical analysis to filter and trade price action. It was created by Gerald Appel in the late 1970s as a new tool for technical analysts. It is designed to reveal changes i..

Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny ("R을 사용한 대화 형 웹 기반 데이터 시각화, 음모 및 광택"

Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny "R을 사용한 대화 형 웹 기반 데이터 시각화, 음모 및 광택.... Welcome(환영해) This is the website for “Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny”. In this book, you’ll gain insight and practical skills for creating interactive and dynamic web graphics for dat..

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading:(거래 심리학을 이해하기 위한 지침

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading:(거래 심리학을 이해하기 위한 지침) The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or the stock picking. It is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself along with the ego’s need to be right. From the stress of entering a trade, to the fear of losing the open paper profits that you a..