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10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders:(이익이 나지 않는 거래자들의 나쁜 버릇 )

10 Bad Habits of Unprofitable Traders:((이익이 나지 않는 거래자들의 나쁜 버릇 ) They trade too much. The edge that small traders have over institutions, is that they can pick trades carefully and only trade the best trends and entries. The less they trade, the more money they make, because being picky(까다로워지는) gives traders an edge. 그들은 너무 ..

15 Lessons from the Movie The Big Short:(영화 The Big Short의 15가지 교훈:)

15 Lessons from the Movie The Big Short:(영화 The Big Short의 15가지 교훈) I went to see the movie the ‘The Big Short” on Christmas Day a few years ago and it has become my new favorite trading movie since then. The movie is funny and entertaining, while telling a good story. It details(자세히 다루다) three hedge funds that made the right trade at the right ti..

Why Moving Averages are the Best Trend Indicator:(Moving Averages가 최상의 추세 지표인 이유:)

Why Moving Averages are the Best Trend Indicator:(Moving Averages가 최상의 추세 지표인 이유:) I like moving average signals for their power and simplicity in trend trading and here is why: 나는 트렌드 거래에서 그들의 힘과 단순성을 위해 평균 신호를 움직이는 것을 좋아한다. 그리고 여기에 다음과 같은 이유가 있다.완료..

Current Apple $1 Trillion Market Cap Explained(현재 Apple 1조 달러 규모의 시장 규모 설명)

Current Apple $1 Trillion Market Cap Explained(현재 Apple 1조 달러 규모의 시장 규모 설명)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: What is the current Apple market cap?(현재 애플 시장 상한선은?) A company’s value is based on the amount of outstanding(미해결의) shares multiplied by the..