분류 전체보기 1273

What Is Float In Stocks?(주식에 떠다니는 것은 무엇인가)

What Is Float In Stocks?(주식에 떠다니는 것은 무엇인가) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Float in a stock is the number of shares of a company that is currently trading publicly on the exchange and is available for traders and investors to buy and sell. The stock float is calculated by taking a company’s total issue of outstanding shares and subtracting any restricted stock. Pre IPO investors, employees and founder..

What is Backtesting?(백테스트란 무엇입니까?)

What is Backtesting?(백테스트란 무엇입니까?) Backtesting is the process of applying entry and exit signals to time periods of past historical price data to quantify through an equity curve whether the system would have lead to overall profits in the past. A backtest is a look back at how a quantified trading system would have performed in the past. While a profitable backtest does not guarantee that the s..

A Monthly Trading Strategy that Crushes Buy and Hold(매수 및 보유를 부수는 월간 거래 전략 )

A Monthly Trading Strategy that Crushes Buy and Hold(매수 및 보유를 부수는 월간 거래 전략 ) Is there a simple moving average monthly trading strategy that crushes buy and hold investing? 매수 및 보유 투자를 분쇄하는 단순한 이동 평균 월간 거래 전략이 있습니까? Buy and hold investing on the S&P 500 index with an exchange traded fund or a low cost mutual fund is a top performing system that few money managers and traders can beat. This is a g..

Mansa Musa Net Worth(만세 무사 순자산 |)

Mansa Musa Net Worth(만세 무사 순자산 |) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Musa I (c. 1280 – c. 1337), was the tenth Mansa ( “conqueror”or “emperor”) of the Islamic West African state known as the Mali Empire. 무사 1세 (1280년 경 – 1337년)는 말리 제국으로 알려진 이슬람 서아프리카 국가의 10번째 만사 ("정복자" 또는 "황제")이다. The Mansa Musa net worth was estimated to be approximately $400 billion USD inflation adjusted. Making him the historically r..

What Does Volume Mean In Stocks?(주식의 볼륨은 무엇을 의미합니까?)

What Does Volume Mean In Stocks?(주식의 볼륨은 무엇을 의미합니까?) Volume is like votes on the price of a stock as each trade is an agreement between a buyer and a seller to exchange shares. The volume is the amount of trades that occur during each time period on a chart. Technical traders look for correlations between price action trends and the increasing and decreasing of volume. 주식 거래량은 매수자와 매도자 사이의 주식 교환..

카테고리 없음 2021.06.29

Lao Tzu Quotes For Traders(노자의 교역자를 위한 인용문)

Lao Tzu Quotes For Traders(노자의 교역자를 위한 인용문) The name Lao Tzu is translated as “Old Master.” He was thought to be a historical figure in ancient China and a philosopher and writer. He is believed to be the author of the Tao Te Ching, the founder of Taoism as a philosophy, and even a deity in some of the more fundamentalist Taoism that is a religion. Lao Tzu라는 이름은“Old Master”로 번역됩니다. 그는 고대 중국의 역사적..

20 Trading Lessons in 20 Years(20년 동안의 20개 무역 교훈)

20 Trading Lessons in 20 Years(20년 동안의 20개 무역 교훈) I began building up my capital in 1992 and started as simply a buy and hold investor. I have evolved over the years into a swing trader and trend trader and also used options. It has been a great run. After the volatility and crashes of 1998 I really stopped investing and started ‘trading’ in and out in 1999 during the wild parabolic tech bull ma..

카테고리 없음 2021.06.28

10 Best Trading Books Of All Time:(역대 최고의 거래 도서 10권:)

10 Best Trading Books Of All Time:(역대 최고의 거래 도서 10권:0 I have read over 400 trading books over the past 15 years that have enabled me to pull life changing amounts of money out of the markets. Which ones were most influential for me and which ones most influenced my own trading style and books? Here are the top ten trading books I consider to be the most helpful for me personally and the ones(tra..

Pure Price Action Trading Signals:(순수 가격 조치 거래 신호:)

Pure Price Action Trading Signals:(순수 가격 조치 거래 신호:) Pure price action signals use the current price alone to indicate when to get in and when to get out of a trade. It is possible to use pure price action signals to create systems for entry and exit signals to trade. 순수 가격 조치 신호는 현재 가격만을 사용하여 언제 거래를 시작하고 언제 거래를 종료해야 하는지를 나타냅니다. 순수 가격 조치 신호를 사용하여 거래할 진입 및 출구 신호를 위한 시스템을 만들 수 있다. A range trader wi..

Negative Correlation Definition(음의 상관 관계 정의)

Negative Correlation Definition(음의 상관 관계 정의) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Negative correlation in markets, also known as an inverse correlation, indicates that two securities have a relationship where their prices move in opposite directions from each other most of the time. As an example, if gold and the U.S. dollar have a negative correlation, as the dollar goes up in value then gold will go down..