분류 전체보기 1273

Magic of Compounding Returns:(복리의 마법)

Magic of Compounding Returns:(복리의 마법) Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it … he who doesn’t … pays it.” – Unknown 복리는 세계 8대 불가사의다. 그것을 이해하는 사람은 그것을 벌고, 그렇지 않은 사람은 그것을 지불한다." – 알 수 없음 When I was a teenager, I was fascinated with compounded return tables. They seemed like magic to me. I knew that at some point in the future, I could build up my capit..

Bearish Butterfly Pattern Explained(하락성의 나비패턴 설명)

Bearish Butterfly Pattern Explained(하락성의 나비패턴 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The Butterfly Pattern uses the identification of quantified structures on a chart that has specific and sequential Fibonacci ratio alignments that show harmonic patterns. These patterns calculate and measure the Fibonacci aspects of the price action structures to signal reversal points with good odds of success. 버터플라이 패턴..

The Top Ten Trades of All Time(역대 10대 무역)

The Top Ten Trades of All Time(역대 10대 무역) What were the greatest trades of all time?(역대 최고의 장사는 무엇이었습니까?) Here is the list of the who, what, when, where, and how of the greatest trades in the financial markets were made. 다음은 금융 시장에서 가장 큰 거래가 이루어진 사람, 무엇, 시기, 장소, 방법의 목록이다. While the risk management of executing many of these trades is not what many traders would want, we can see many of these as ..

Why Is It Necessary To Discipline Your Daily Trade Routine?(왜 일상의 무역 길을 훈련시켜야 하는가?)

Why Is It Necessary To Discipline Your Daily Trade Routine?(왜 일상의 무역길을 훈련시켜야 하는가? Posted By: Steve Burnson: Why Is It Necessary To Discipline Your Daily Trade Routine?(왜 일상의 무역 길을 훈련시켜야 하는가?) Image Credits Becoming a professional forex trader takes years of commitment(헌신) and hard work. Your life pretty much mandates(요구하다) that you set some parameters and checks in your daily life that cohesivel..

Things I Wished I Knew When I Started Trading:(거래를 시작할 때 알고 싶었던 사항:)

Things I Wished I Knew When I Started Trading:(거래를 시작할 때 알고 싶었던 사항:) Some days I wish I could travel back in time 25 years and teach myself what I have learned in the markets the hard way. I was fortunate to make money early on with the benefit of the nineties bull market. I wish I would have known then how to keep all those profits and not go into a deep draw down in 2000-2002. I always had a b..

6 Things Successful People Do Differently:(성공한 사람들이 다르게 하는 6가지 일)

6 Things Successful People Do Differently:(성공한 사람들이 다르게 하는 6가지 일0 The minority of people who win generally do six things differently than the majority of people that don’t. Here are my opinions of what winners do differently. 당첨된 소수의 사람들은 일반적으로 그렇지 않은 대다수의 사람들과 다르게 6가지 일을 한다. 여기 승자들이 다르게 하는 것에 대한 나의 의견이 있다. Most successful people tend to wake up early because they can’t wait to get to work on th..

4 Types of Trading Signals:(거래신호의 네가지 형태)

4 Types of Trading Signals:(거래신호의 네가지 형태) Quantified trading signals can be based on different types of strategies. Some buy high in the hopes of selling higher, while others try to create a great risk/reward ratio by buying low hoping to sell on rebounds or reversals in price action. 수량화된 거래 신호는 다양한 유형의 전략에 기반을 둘 수 있다. 어떤 사람은 더 높은 가격에 팔리기를 바라는 마음에서 높게 사는가 하면, 가격 액션에서 리바운드나 역전을 기대하며 낮게 사들임으로써 큰 ..

The Psychology of Risk For Traders(무역업자의 위험심리)

The Psychology of Risk For Traders(무역업자의 위험심리) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A risk management process for a trading system is not just math but also includes human psychology. The psychology of execution is just as important to profitability as the trading dynamics of the entries and exits of a trading method. Humans have fear, greed, and egos and these elements can interfere with the process of tr..

Trading Better Before Trading Bigger(더 큰 규모의 거래 전에 더 나은 거래)

Trading Better Before Trading Bigger(더 큰 규모의 거래 전에 더 나은 거래) Posted By: Steve Burnson: One of the biggest errors that new traders make is trading too big. If you trade too large of a position size you will inevitably give back any profits you earn with your first losing trade or string of losses. 새로운 무역업자들이 저지르는 가장 큰 오류 중 하나는 너무 큰 거래다. 만약 당신이 너무 큰 포지션 사이즈를 거래한다면, 당신은 불가피하게 당신의 첫 번째 손실이나 일련의 손실과 함..

The Art of Selling a Losing Position(손해를 보는 직책을 파는 기술)

The Art of Selling a Losing Position(손해를 보는 직책을 파는 기술) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The art of selling a losing position is a key skill in the science of risk management. 실직하는 자리를 파는 기술은 리스크 관리 과학의 핵심 기술이다. When you are in a trade that is losing money you have to know when it is time to exit and accept the loss. In theory stop losses and keeping your losses small are simple in concept but in practi..