거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Time Series Analysis(시계열분석 )

Time Series Analysis(시계역분석 A 4-Day Remote Seminar Taught by Jon Pevehouse, Ph.D. 존 페브하우스 박사가 진행하는 4일간의 원격 세미나 Time series data are incredibly common in the natural and social sciences. Any process that is measured repeatedly over time yields data with properties that must be properly modeled.(모형을 만들다) 시계열 데이터는 자연과학과 사회과학에서 믿을 수 없을 정도로 흔하다. 시간이 지남에 따라 반복적으로 측정되는 모든 프로세스는 적절하게 모형이 되어야 하는 속성을 가진 데이..

Stock Prices Falling Is Perfectly Normal(주가 하락은 지극히 정상이다)

Stock Prices Falling Is Perfectly Normal(주가 하락은 지극히 정상이다) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Stock prices falling is perfectly normal in the market. Pullbacks are not something unusual or to be worried about in the stock market until they trigger a potential bear market. 주가가 떨어지는 것은 시장에서 지극히 정상입니다. 풀백은 잠재적인 약세장을 촉발할 때까지 주식 시장에서 이례적인 무엇이거나 걱정할 일이 아닙니다. Stock market drop parameters: 주식 시장 하락 매개변수: Down -5%..

200 Day Moving Average vs Buy and Hold:(200일 이동 평균 vs 매수 후 보유:)

200 Day Moving Average vs Buy and Hold:(200일 이동 평균 vs 매수 후 보유:) Is there a simple moving average trading strategy that crushes buy and hold investing? If so, what moving average and time frame combination would accomplish this going back at least 20 years? The 200-day simple moving average as an end of month signal on the SPY ETF accomplishes this feat. 매수 후 보유 투자를 압도하는 단순한 이동 평균 거래 전략이 있습니까? 그렇..

The Anatomy Of A Successful Trader: 12 Key Traits(성공한 거래자의 해부학: 12가지 주요 특성)

The Anatomy Of A Successful Trader: 12 Key Traits(성공한 거래자의 해부학: 12가지 주요 특성) Posted By: Steve Burnson: What traits separate the minority of profitable traders from the the majority of unprofitable traders in the markets? 수익성 있는 거래자의 소수와 시장의 수익성 없는 거래자의 대다수를 구분하는 특성은 무엇입니까? Here are the 12 key traits I have seen and studied over the past three decades in the financial markets that separate success..

Price Action Trading Explained(가격 행동 거래 설명)

Price Action Trading Explained(가격 행동 거래 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A price action trading system is a process for using price data to make buy and sell decisions on a watch list of charts. Price action trading attempts to use entry and exit signals that have an edge by creating good risk/reward ratios that lead to profitable trading with wins that add up to more than losses. 가격 행동 거래 시스템은 차트의..

Post by Ian McFadden(이안 맥파든의 게싯글:

Post by Ian McFadden(이안 맥파든의 게싯글: My son is 4 its about time he started to learn to trade. If you look at a number of life stories of people who achieved they often had some usually over ambitious dad from Mozart to Tiger Woods who possessed the skill these people went on to master. These did not always turn out well rounded people (원만한 사람들)but they turned out super achievers. 내 아들은 거래하는 법을 배우기 ..

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles that made him a Legend(그를 전설로 만든 Paul Tudor Jones의 22가지 거래 원칙)

Paul Tudor Jones’ 22 Trading Principles that made him a Legend(그를 전설로 만든 Paul Tudor Jones의 22가지 거래 원칙) Paul Tudor Jones famous interview and documentary “The Trader” is a classic amongst market professionals. It is one of the few places you can see a true Market Wizard and young money manager become a billionaire. Here are the lessons I have gleaned(줍다 모으다) from watching the master in action: Pa..

Read My Trading Books In This Order:(내 거래서적을 이 순서로 읽으십시오:)

Read My Trading Books In This Order:(내 거래서적을 이 순서로 읽으십시오:) After being asked several times what the best order to read my books in I decided to write this post as a go to place (장소의 이동으로서)to direct people interested in learning about trading by reading my books through (끝까지 읽다)in order to best serve (봉사하다)them in their journey. 내 책을 읽는 데 가장 좋은 순서가 무엇인지 몇 번이나 물어본 후, 나는 이 글을 여행에서 가장 잘 봉사하기 위해 내 책을..

Buy The Rumor, Sell The News(소문 구매, 뉴스 판매)

Buy The Rumor, Sell The News(소문 구매, 뉴스 판매) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The old Wall Street saying “Buy the rumor, sell the news” means that the best opportunity to profit from a news event is to buy into (로 매수하다)a chart early when the news is not yet priced in as it is still a potential rumor. The second part of the saying means that the best time to lock in profits is to sell as the news event be..