거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Short Selling(공매도)

Short Selling(공매도) By JAMES CHEN Reviewed By GORDON SCOTT TABLE OF CONTENTS EXPAND(확장내용의 표) What Is Short Selling?: 공매도란 Understanding Short Selling:공매도의 이해 Short Selling for a Profit:이익을 위한 공매도 Short Selling for a Loss 손실에 대한 공매도 Short Selling as a Hedge해지펀드로서 공매도 Pros and Cons of Short Selling 공매도의 찬.반 Additional Risks to Short Selling 공매도에 대한 추가적인 위험 Costs of Short Selling 공매도의 비용 Short Selli..

What Is a Lease Option?(리스 옵션이란 무엇인가?)

LBA Hyosung Certified Broker, which opened an office in Jincheon-dong, Dalseo-gu, Daegu Metropolitan City, which operates a brokerage business, saw an encyclopedia (Investopedia), a system that we should consider at least once, and saw the lease option. At this point where a policy that confuses real estate is causing a lot of pain, especially for tenants, I will try to translate the writings wh..

Amortization vs. Depreciation: What's the Difference?(상각 대 감가 상각 : 차이점은 무엇입니까?)

Amortization vs. Depreciation: What's the Difference?(상각 대 감가 상각 : 차이점은 무엇입니까?) By SEAN ROSS Amortization vs. Depreciation: An Overview(상각 vs. 감가상각: 개요) The cost of business assets can be expensed(비용으로 쓰다) each year over the life of the asset. Amortization and depreciation are two methods of calculating value for those business assets. The expense amounts are subsequently(차후로) used as a tax dedu..

Technical analysis(기술 분석)

Technical analysis(기술 분석) In finance, technical analysis is an analysis methodology for forecasting the direction of prices through the study of past market data, primarily price and volume.[1] Behavioral economics and quantitative analysis use many of the same tools of technical analysis,[2][3][4] which, being an aspect of active management,(적극적인 관리측면에서 ) stands in (대신하다 대역하다)contradiction(모순) ..

Technical-trader meaning(기술 거래자 의미)

Technical-trader meaning(기술 거래자 의미) A trader who places trades based on the technical analysis of price charts. Technical traders analyze price charts to develop theories about what direction the market is likely to move. Some chart patterns that traders try to identify include head and shoulders, triangles, and price gaps. A technical trader ignores fundamental factors such as the change in sup..

What is a Pivot Point?(피벗 지점이란 무엇입니까?)

What is a Pivot Point?(피벗 지점이란 무엇입니까?) By CORY MITCHELL A pivot point is a technical analysis indicator, or calculations, used to determine the overall trend of the market over different time frames. The pivot point itself is simply the average of the high, low and closing prices from the previous trading day. On the subsequent day, trading above the pivot point is thought to indicate ongoing bu..

RSI Calculation(RSI 계산)

RSI Calculation(RSI 계산) You are in Technical Analysis»Relative Strength Index (RSI) 기술 분석 → 상대 강도 지수(RSI)에 있습니다. This page is a detailed guide how to calculate Relative Strength Index (RSI). You can see how the formulas work in Excel in the RSI Excel Calculator. The calculation is explained in detail in chapter 4 of the calculator’s guide. 이 페이지에서는 상대 강도 지수(RSI)를 계산하는 방법에 대해 자세히 설명합니다. RSI Excel..

What is relative strength?(상대적인 힘이란 무엇인가?)

What is relative strength?(상대적인 힘이란 무엇인가?) By CHAD LANGAGER Relative strength is a measure of the price trend of a stock or other financial instrument compared to another stock, instrument or industry. It is calculated by taking the price of one asset and dividing it by another. 상대적 강도는 다른 주식, 상품 또는 산업에 비해 주식이나 다른 금융상품의 가격 추이를 측정하는 척도이다. 한 자산의 가격을 다른 자산으로 나누어 계산합니다. For example, if the price of ..

An Introduction to Trading Types: Technical Trading(거래 유형 소개: 기술적인 거래)

An Introduction to Trading Types: Technical Trading((거래 유형 소개: 기술적인 거래) By BARCLAY PALMER For momentum trading, which is a type of technical trading, a trader watches for signs that a stock is about to pop(펑하고 터지다); that is, to undertake a significant unidirectional(단일방향으로) price movement on high volume for a sufficient period of time that might bring a profit. By virtue(덕택으로) of watching the mo..

Fundamental Analysis for Traders(무역업자를 위한 기초분석)

Fundamental Analysis for Traders(무역업자를 위한 기초분석) By DIMA VONKO The use of the fundamental analysis approach in trading has long been an object of argument between its followers and those who question the method's effectiveness in determining a stock's intrinsic value. Rather than taking sides in this argument, we'll instead focus on how a trader can benefit from fundamental analysis. We'll discus..