거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

The Pros And Cons Of Trading For Yourself(자신을 위한 거래의 장단점)

The Pros And Cons Of Trading For Yourself(자신을 위한 거래의 장단점) Posted By: Steve Burnson: This is a guest post by Michael Dehoyos.(이것은 마이클 데호요스의 게스트 포스트 입니다.) Trading can be a daunting prospect to someone completely new to it, which is why so many people trust companies to invest and trade for them. However, by giving over your portfolio to a company, you’re also giving up a certain level of control o..

Win rate basics.(승률 기본 사항입니다.)

The amount of money you win over a set period of time or hands is known as your "winrate" or "win rate" (I'm not sure if there is meant to be a gap). In poker, winrate is a very interesting topic for a lot of players as the higher your winrate the more money you win. 정해진 기간이나 손에 쥐는 돈 액수를 '승률' 또는 '승률'(차이가 생기기 위한 것인지는 잘 모르겠습니다)이라고 한다. 포커에서 윈 레이트는 많은 선수들에게 매우 흥미로운 주제이다. 위 레이트가 높을수록 더 많은 돈을 획득하기 때문이..

Nicolas Darvas Price Action Trading Quotes(니콜라스 다르바스 가격 행동 거래 시세)

Nicolas Darvas Price Action Trading Quotes(니콜라스 다르바스 가격 행동 거래 시세) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Nicolas Darvas was a professional dancer in the 1950s that developed a trend trading system for stocks that turned his $36,000 into $2.25 million between 1956 and 1958. He used price momentum near all time highs with buy stops and trailing stops to trade the highest momentum stocks during one bull market ..

What is Risk Management?(리스크 관리란?)

What is Risk Management?(리스크 관리란?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: : Risk management is used in all industries to mitigate the probabilities of the loss of assets. Risk management identifies,(파악하다) evaluatates, and prioritizes(우선순위를 정하다) the frequency and magnitude of the potential probabilities of risk events. Risk management implements cost effective processes to use available resources to measure, ..

Spinning Top Candle Pattern Explained(설명되는 팽이 양초 패턴)

Spinning Top Candle Pattern Explained(설명되는 팽이 양초 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A spinning top is a single candlestick pattern that has a body in the middle of two longer wicks. A spinning top chart pattern is a signal that neither buyers or sellers have control of price action in the time frame of the candle. 팽이돌기는 하나의 촛대 무늬로, 두 개의 긴 심지 한 가운데에 하나의 몸을 가지고 있다. 회전하는 톱 차트 패턴은 구매자나 판매자 모두 촛불의 시간대에 가격..

The Stock Market Game for Traders(트레이더들을 위한 주식 시장 게임)

The Stock Market Game for Traders(트레이더들을 위한 주식 시장 게임) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Here is a stock market game that Danny Merkel @ChartingTrends shared on Twitter this year. 여기에 올해 대니 메르켈 @ChartingTrends가 트위터에서 공유한 주식시장 게임이 있다. This is a card game that simulates the importance of position size and trading through sequences of wins and losses. 승패의 순서를 통해 포지션 규모와 트레이딩의 중요성을 시뮬레이션하는 카드게임이다. All you ne..

Portfolio Backtesting Explained(포트폴리오 백테스트 설명 )|

Portfolio Backtesting Explained(포트폴리오 백테스트 설명 |) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Portfolio backtesting is the process of using historical price data to analyze and backtest the returns of a group of stocks, exchange traded funds, or mutual funds in the past. A complete portfolio backtest of your watchlist can visualize the risk of correlations, optimum percentage of capital exposures, drawdowns, and p..

Current Bernie Sanders Net Worth 2020(현재 버니 샌더스 네트워스 2020)

Current Bernie Sanders Net Worth 2020(현재 버니 샌더스 네트워스 2020) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bernie Sanders current net worth is estimated to be approximately $2 million in February 2020. 버니 샌더스 현재 순자산은 2020년 2월에 약 200만 달러로 추정된다. Sanders became mayor of Burlington, Vermont from 1981 to 1989. He was elected to the House of Representatives in 1991 and then the US senate in 2007. He is the longest serving(..

Current Bill Ackman Net Worth(현재 빌 애크먼 순자산)

Current Bill Ackman Net Worth(현재 빌 애크먼 순자산) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bill Ackman is ranked as America’s 21st richest hedge fund manager with a current net worth of over $2 billion. He is ranked #391 on the Forbes 400 wealthy list. 빌 애크먼은 현재 순자산 20억 달러가 넘는 미국의 21번째 부호 헤지펀드 매니저로 선정되었다. 그는 포브스 400 부호 순위에서 391위에 올라 있다. Bill Ackman is a self-made billionaire through operating the hedge fund he found..

Top Ten Bill Ackman Price Action Trading Quotes(10대 Bill Ackman 가격 행동 거래 견적)

Top Ten Bill Ackman Price Action Trading Quotes(10대 Bill Ackman 가격 행동 거래 견적) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bill Ackman is a hedge fund manager and CEO who founded Pershing Square Capital Management. He is primarily a contrarian investor betting against popular companies by going short and buying stocks when they are not popular. He considers himself to be more of an activist investor trying to cause..