거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Long-Legged Doji(긴 다리 도지)

Long-Legged Doji(긴 다리 도지) By CORY MITCHELL What is a Long-Legged Doji? 다리가 긴 도지는 무엇인가? The long-legged doji is a candlestick that consists of long upper and lower shadows and has approximately the same opening and closing price. The candlestick signals indecision about the future direction of the underlying security. 다리가 긴 도지는 상하의 긴 그림자로 구성되며 개·종가가 대략 같다. 촛대는 기반 증권의 향후 방향에 대해 우유부단함을 나타낸다. It is ..

Long Legged Doji Candlestick Patterns Explained(긴 다리 도지 촛대 패턴 설명)

Long Legged Doji Candlestick Patterns Explained(긴 다리 도지 촛대 패턴 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The long-legged doji candlestick pattern has both long upper and lower shadows (wicks) and generally has a closing price near where it opened in the time frame of the candle. The long-legged doji candlestick can signal extreme indecision in the current market with a large trading range but no winner betwe..

The Best Rich Dad, Poor Dad Quotes:(최고의 부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠의 인용:)

The Best Rich Dad, Poor Dad Quotes:(최고의 부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠의 인용:) The book Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of the best selling personal finance books of all time. It is so popular because it explains the principles of how the wealthy think versus how the middle class think. It’s an easy and enjoyable read as the author tells the story of growing up with his own middle class father and learning from his best..

Munehisa Homma: Legendary Price Action Trader(무네히사 옴마: 레전드 프라이스 액션 트레이더)

Munehisa Homma: Legendary Price Action Trader(무네히사 옴마: 레전드 프라이스 액션 트레이더) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Munehisa Honma (本間 宗久) 1724-1803 is known as the father of the candlestick chart. He is believed to have been a rice merchant in 18th century Japan who traded the Dojima Rice market in Osaka. . 무네히사 혼마(1724-1803)는 촛대 차트의 아버지로 알려져 있습니다. 그는 오사카에서 도지마 쌀 시장을 거래한 18세기 일본의 쌀 상인으로 여겨집니다. In 1710, a Japane..

Martingale Strategy Explained(마팅게일 전략 설명 |)

Martingale Strategy Explained(마팅게일 전략 설명 |) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A martingale strategy is a betting method designed for games where the gambler wins a 50/50 bet like a coin flip wins landing on heads and loses on tails. This strategy betting structure has the gambler double their bet if they lose so the first win would recover all previous losses and get back to even. The martingale betting..

10 of the Worlds Most Powerful Trading Rules:(세계에서 가장 강력한 무역 규칙 10개:)

10 of the Worlds Most Powerful Trading Rules:(세계에서 가장 강력한 무역 규칙 10개:) 1. A winning trading system must either be designed to have a large winning percentage of trades or big wins and small losses. .1. 승리거래제는 거래의 승률이 크거나 큰 승리이거나 손실이 적게 설계되어야 한다. 2. Your trading system must be built on quantifiable facts not opinions. 2. 당신의 거래 체계는 의견이 아닌 수량화할 수 있는 사실에 기초하여 구축되어야 한다 3. Start with the weekly price ..

Joel Greenblatt Magic Formula Investing(조엘 그린블랫 매직 포뮬러 투자)

Joel Greenblatt Magic Formula Investing(조엘 그린블랫 매직 포뮬러 투자) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The “magic formula investing” system parameters and principles are used by Joel Greenblatt in his approach to value investing to outperform the market. In his book ‘The Little Book that Beats the Market’, Greenblatt writes that this system buys cheap stocks of 30 companies that have high earnings yield and also ..

The 10 Most Satisfying Personal Finance Achievements:(가장 만족스러운 10대 개인 금융 성과:)

The 10 Most Satisfying Personal Finance Achievements:(가장 만족스러운 10대 개인 금융 성과:) Personal finance 101: Earning income is offense and a spending budget is defense. You have to score a lot of money without giving it back. Money constantly flows from those that spend it as fast as they get it to those that can manage it. If you spend more than you earn you will never have money, no matter how much you..

Kelly Criterion Calculator(켈리 기준 계산기)

Kelly Criterion Calculator(켈리 기준 계산기) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The Kelly Criterion is a scientific gambling method using a formula for bet sizing that mathematically calculates the proper position size for placing a bet based on the odds. The Kelly bet size is calculated by optimizing the projected value of the wealth logarithm, which is equivalent to maximizing the expected geometric growth ra..