거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

The 7 Best Traders in the World(세계 7대 무역상)

The 7 Best Traders in the World(세계 7대 무역상) Posted By: Steve Burnson: To answer the question of who are the best traders in the world we have to consider several things. To be considered the best you would have to filter for these following quantified variables. 세계 최고의 무역업자는 누구인가라는 질문에 답하기 위해 우리는 몇 가지를 고려해야 한다. 가장 좋은 것으로 간주되기 위해서는 다음과 같은 정량화된 변수에 대해 필터링해야 한다. Long term returns on assets under man..

10 Ways To Reduce Stress:(스트레스를 줄이는 10가지 방법:)

10 Ways To Reduce Stress:(스트레스를 줄이는 10가지 방법:) Don’t respond to negative people: 부정적인 사람에게 응답하지 마십시오. You do not have to answer to people that do not understand what you are trying to do with your life. The odds are that your critics and naysayers have no idea how it will be possible for you to achieve your goals. 당신이 당신의 삶으로 무엇을 하려는지 이해하지 못하는 사람들에게 대답할 필요는 없다. 여러분의 비평가들과 반대자들은 여러분이 목표를 달성하는 것이 어..

Accredited Investor Definition(공인된 투자자 정의).

Accredited Investor Definition(공인된 투자자 정의). Posted By: Steve Burnson: An accredited investor is someone with an approved status to invest in more complex ways than the average retail investor. An accredited investor is approved to invest in hedge funds, venture capital, angel investments, and private equity offerings among other opportunities. While financial regulation laws and enforcement agen..

Why Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World(왜 복리 이자는 세계 8대 불가사의일까요?)

Why Compound Interest is the Eighth Wonder of the World((왜 복리 이자는 세계 8대 불가사의일까요?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: “Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it earns it, he who doesn’t, pays it.” -Unknown "복합적 관심은 세계 8대 불가사의입니다. 그것을 이해하는 사람은 그것을 벌고, 그렇지 않은 사람은 그것을 지불합니다." -알 수 없는 Why is compound interest considered the eighth wonder of the world? 왜 복리는 세계 8대 불가사의로 여겨질까요? ..

The Millionaire Next Door Formula(백만장자 옆집 공식)

The Millionaire Next Door Formula(백만장자 옆집 공식) Posted By: Steve Burnson: In 1996 two professors studied a sample of millionaires in the United States to understand the path that took them to a million dollar net worth. The results were very surprising as their path and lifestyle was very unexpected. They did not find millionaires who inherited their wealth but earned it their self. 1996년에 두 명의 교수..

10 Ways A Trader Can Diversify Their Life:(무역업자가 삶을 다양화할 수 있는 10가지 방법:)

10 Ways A Trader Can Diversify Their Life:(무역업자가 삶을 다양화할 수 있는 10가지 방법:) You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.” – Marcus Aurelius 당신은 외부의 사건이 아니라, 마음 속에 힘을 가지고 있다. 이것을 깨달으면 힘을 찾을 수 있을 것이다." – 마르쿠스 아우렐리우스 The weakest part of any trading system is the trader themselves. 어떤 거래제도에서 가장 취약한 부분은 거래자 자신이다 To be a successful trader, you must manage y..

Stoic Quotes For Traders(거래자를 위한 냉정한 인용구)

Stoic Quotes For Traders(거래자를 위한 냉정한 인용구) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The original stoics were members of the ancient philosophical school of Stoicism started in Athens, Greece in the 3rd century B.C. In modern times a stoic is thought of as any person who can endure mental pain and hardship without being emotional or complaining about their circumstances. This philosophy can create a good mindset..

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading:(거래를 절대 포기하지 않는 7가지 이유)

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading:(거래를 절대 포기하지 않는 7가지 이유) Early on,(일찍부터) new traders will want to give up. Particularly when they figure out that the first few years are more about studying and paying tuition in losses, than in making money. Trading is a two-sided competition, and you have to be on the right side of the trade to make profits. 일찍부터 새로운 상인들은 포기하고 싶을 것이다. 특히 그들이 처음 몇 년은 돈을 버는 것보다..

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(무역심리학 이해 안내서)

A Guide To Understanding the Psychology of Trading(무역심리학 이해 안내서) The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or the stock picking. It is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself along with the ego’s need to be right. From the stress of entering a trade, to the fear of losing the open paper profits that you are holding in a winning trade, how you deal with those e..

The Best Rich Dad, Poor Dad Quotes(최고의 부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠의 인용구)|

The Best Rich Dad, Poor Dad Quotes(최고의 부자 아빠, 가난한 아빠의 인용구)| Posted By: Steve Burnson: The book Rich Dad, Poor Dad is one of the best selling personal finance books of all time. It is so popular because it explains the principles of how the wealthy think versus how the middle class think. It’s an easy and enjoyable read as the author tells the story of growing up with his own middle class father ..