거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Why Losers Don’t Belong in Your Life(왜 루저들은 당신의 인생에 속하지 않는가?)

Why Losers Don’t Belong in Your Life(왜 루저들은 당신의 인생에 속하지 않는가?) I never understood why traders held losing trades for too long. Our goal is to make money, isn’t it? And yet, we’ve all held onto something negative for too long; a losing trade for a few days, a bad marriage for a decade, smoking for a couple of decades, or any number of other things that make us consistently unhappy. 나는 왜 상인들이 너무 오랫..

Discounted Cash Flow Formula(할인된 현금 흐름 공식)

Discounted Cash Flow Formula(할인된 현금 흐름 공식) Posted By: Steve Burnson: In the world of finance, discounted cash flow or DCF for short is the method for analyzing and projecting the value of a stock, company, project, real estate, or intellectual property by the estimated time value of money it generates. Discounted cash flow measurement and analysis is used in stock market investing, real estate i..

The Richest Man in Babylon Rules:(바빌론 규칙에서 가장 부유한 사람:)

The Richest Man in Babylon Rules::(바빌론 규칙에서 가장 부유한 사람:) The Richest Man in Babylon is a great little personal finance book set as an ancient fictional tale that explains the ‘The Seven Cures to a Lean Purse’ and ‘The Five Rules of Gold’. 바빌론에서 가장 부유한 사람은 '가냘픈 지갑에 일곱 가지 치료법'과 '금의 다섯 가지 법칙'을 설명하는 고대 소설로 설정된 아주 작은 개인 금융 책이다. The Seven Cures to a Lean Purse: 얇은 지갑에 대한 일곱번째 치료제 Start thy purse to fat..

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory:(니콜라스 다바스 박스 이론:)

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory:(니콜라스 다바스 박스 이론:) The Nicolas Darvas box theory is a trend trading method where a breakout of price is bought and held as ranges build on top of each other. Nicolas Darvas used this process in the 1950’s to make over(고처만들다) $2.25 million in a strong bull market. He was a top touring ballroom(무도장) dancer by profession and developed his mechanical trading strategy to use ..

Bullish Candlestick Patterns(강세 촛대 패턴)

Bullish Candlestick Patterns(강세 촛대 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bullish candlestick patterns on a chart visually show buying pressure. These patterns can show the possibility of a price reversal during a downtrend or the continuation of a uptrend already in place. There can be single bullish candles or bullish candlestick patterns containing multiple candles in row. 차트의 강세 촛대 패턴은 시각적으로 구매 압력을 보..

Bearish Candlestick Patterns(곰 촛대 패턴)

Bearish Candlestick Patterns(곰 촛대 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bearish candlestick patterns on a chart visually show selling pressure. These patterns can show the possibility of a price reversal during an uptrend or the continuation of a downtrend already in place. There can be single bearish candles or bearish candlestick patterns containing multiple candles in row. 차트의 곰 촛대패턴은 판매 압력을 시각적으로 보여..

Steps to Financial Freedom:(재정적 자유를 위한 단계:)

Steps to Financial Freedom:(재정적 자유를 위한 단계:) Financial freedom is achieved when you have created enough wealth and/or cash flowing assets to live on and no longer need to depend on a paycheck as an employee. You are then financially free from a job, a boss, and a company. 재정적 자유는 당신이 살기에 충분한 재산과/또는 현금 유동자산을 창출하고 더 이상 직원으로서 급여에 의존할 필요가 없을 때 달성된다. 그러면 당신은 직업, 상사, 회사에서 재정적으로 자유로워진다. There are many w..

Three White Soldiers Definition(세 명의 백병 정의)

Three White Soldiers Definition(세 명의 백병 정의)| By JAMES CHEN What Do Three White Soldiers Mean? 세 명의 백인 병사는 무엇을 의미할까? Three white soldiers is a bullish candlestick pattern that is used to predict the reversal of the current downtrend in a pricing chart. The pattern consists of three consecutive long-bodied candlesticks that open within the previous candle's real body and a close that exceeds the p..

3 White Soldiers Candlestick Chart Pattern(3명의 하얀군인촛대차트패턴)

3 White Soldiers Candlestick Chart Pattern((3명의 하얀군인촛대차트패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The three white soldiers is a very bullish chart pattern that is created with candlesticks when there are three big candles formed in a row with higher highs and higher lows in a row. This pattern needs three data points across a timeframe to signal momentum and a high probability that a market will shift in an..

Three Black Crows Candle Pattern Explained(흑삼병 양초 패턴 설명)

Three Black Crows Candle Pattern Explained(흑삼병 양초 패턴 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Three black crows is a bearish three candlestick chart pattern formed by price action closing lower than the open and below the previous day’s low for three days in row. It is created by three long bearish candlesticks that stair step downward. Each candle in the pattern must open below the last days open, in the ..