거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

These are the Principles to Succeed in Trading and in Life:(다음은 무역과 삶에서 성공하기 위한 원칙이다.)

These are the Principles to Succeed in Trading and in Life:(다음은 무역과 삶에서 성공하기 위한 원칙이다.) This blog post is an excerpt from my book New Trader, Rich Trader. 이 블로그 게시물은 내 책 '뉴 트레이더' 리치 트레이더에서 발췌한 것이다. “The funny thing is that the principles you have been teaching me for trading success have also been helping me in other areas of my life. I think much more clearly about many parts of my life now. My ..

What is the MACD Histogram?(MACD 히스토그램이란?)

What is the MACD Histogram?(MACD 히스토그램이란?) The MACD-Histogram quantifies the distance between MACD and its 9-day EMA signal line. The histogram reads positive when MACD is above its 9-day EMA and reads negative when the MACD is below its 9-day EMA. The MACD-Histogram is a technical oscillator that moves both above and below the zero line on its chart. The MACD-Histogram is a technical indicator ..

Descending Broadening Wedge Pattern Explained(내림차 확대 웨지 패턴 설명

Descending Broadening Wedge(쇄기) Pattern Explained(내림차 확대 웨지 패턴 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A descending broadening wedge chart pattern is a bullish reversal pattern. This pattern is created by two declining and diverging trend lines . 하향 확장 쐐기 형 차트 패턴은 강세 반전 패턴입니다. 이 패턴은 두 개의 감소 및 발산 추세선에 의해 생성됩니다. A descending broadening wedge forms as price moves between the upper resistance and lower suppor..

Common Mistakes in Technical Analysis(기술 분석의 일반적인 실수)

Common Mistakes in Technical Analysis(기술 분석의 일반적인 실수) Technical analysis can be both an art or a science based on how you use it. It is very easy to become too rigid in its practice believing it can become a crystal ball or too flexible and see whatever you want to see. 기술적 분석은 당신이 그것을 사용하는 방법에 근거한 예술이 될 수도 있고 과학이 될 수도 있다. 그것이 수정구가 될 수도 있고, 너무 유연할 수도 있고, 보고 싶은 것을 볼 수 있다고 믿으면서 너무 경직되기 쉽다. Here ar..

The Formula for Profitable Trading:(수익성 있는 거래를 위한 공식:)

The Formula for Profitable Trading:(수익성 있는 거래를 위한 공식:) This formula for profitable trading was shared in my Facebook trading group by professional trader and money manager Richard Weissman author of Trade like a Casino. 수익성있는 거래를위한이 공식은 전문 상인이자 Trade like a Casino의 자금 관리자 인 Richard Weissman이 제 Facebook 거래 그룹에서 공유했습니다. What is positive expectancy? Here’s a .xlsx friendly formula: Expectancy = ((P..

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory(니콜라스 다바스 박스 이론)

Nicolas Darvas Box Theory(니콜라스 다바스 박스 이론) Posted By: Steve Burnson The Nicolas Darvas box theory is a trend trading method where a breakout of price is bought and held as ranges build on top of each other. Nicolas Darvas used this process in the 1950’s to make over(고처만들다 양도하다)$2.25 million in a strong bull market. He was a top touring ballroom dancer by profession and developed his mechanical tr..

The Three Sides of Risk Management:(리스크 관리의 3면:)

The Three Sides of Risk Management:(리스크 관리의 3면:) There are three sides of risk management that are crucial to understanding before you trade. 리스크 관리에는 거래 전에 이해하는 데 중요한 세 가지 측면이 있다 The odds you will have a losing trade. 장사가 잘 안 될 확률은. The average size of the loss you will experience. 경험하게 될 손실의 평균 크기. The odds you will blow up your account. 네가 계정을 날려버릴 확률. The odds you will have a losing trade is..

What is the McClellan Oscillator?(맥클레런 오실레이터란 무엇인가?)

What is the McClellan Oscillator?(맥클레런 오실레이터란 무엇인가?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The McClellan oscillator is a market breadth technical indicator used by traders to analyze the New York Stock Exchange listings balance between the advancing and declining stocks over time. The McClellan oscillator quantifies the Advance-Decline Data on a stock market exchange, it could also be used on stock indexes,..