거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Stock Option Spreadsheet Templates(스톡 옵션 스프레드시트 템플릿(표)

Stock Option Spreadsheet Templates(스톡 옵션 스프레드시트 템플릿(표) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Here is a link to a great stocks and options tracking spreadsheet template on Google documents that can be used for tracking your trades. 다음은 귀사의 거래를 추적하는 데 사용할 수 있는 Google 문서에 있는 대장주 및 옵션 추적 스프레드시트 템플릿에 대한 링크입니다. This spreadsheet allows you to keep track of each of your trades and manage them in one place. 이 스프레드시트..

Moving Average Crossover with RSI Filter(RSI 필터를 사용한 이동평균 크로스오버)

Moving Average Crossover with RSI Filter(RSI 필터를 사용한 이동평균 크로스오버) Simple trend trading signals have the best chance of having an edge as they create big wins and small losses by their structure of letting winners run and cutting losers short. Also, adjusting a trend signal that is a positive expectancy model with a simple filter can improve its risk/reward ratio. 단순 트렌드 트레이딩 신호는 승자가 뛰게 하고 패자를 짧게 ..

Top Ten Netflix Finance Documentaries:(상위 10개 넷플릭스 금융 다큐멘터리:)

Top Ten Netflix Finance Documentaries:(상위 10개 넷플릭스 금융 다큐멘터리:) If you already have a Netflix account here are some great financial documentaries you can watch with the subscription you already have. 만약 당신이 이미 여기에 넷플릭스 계정을 가지고 있다면 당신은 당신이 이미 가지고 있는 구독으로 볼 수 있는 훌륭한 금융 다큐멘터리가 여기있다. Here is a list of some of the top financial documentaries available on Netflix that as of the time of this writing that..

How Does Shorting a Stock Work?(재고 부족은 어떻게 작용하는가?)

How Does Shorting a Stock Work?(재고 부족은 어떻게 작용하는가?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: How does short selling work? Selling short reverses the normal order of buying and then selling. Selling short means to sell something you do not own. When you sell a stock short you borrow the stock from your broker and sell it to a buyer. You then owe the broker the shares. You receive cash from the sale but have to u..

The 7 Best Traders in the World:(세계 7대 무역상:)

The 7 Best Traders in the World:(세계 7대 무역상:) To answer the question of who are the best traders in the world we have to consider several things. 세계 최고의 무역업자는 누구인가라는 질문에 답하기 위해 우리는 몇 가지를 고려해야 한다 To be considered the best you would have to filter for these following quantified variables. 가장 좋은 것으로 간주되기 위해서는 다음과 같은 정량화된 변수에 대해 필터링해야 한다. Long term returns on assets under management. 관리 대상 자산에 대한 장기 ..

Adam and Eve Pattern(아담과 이브 패턴)

Adam and Eve Pattern(아담과 이브 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A lesser known chart pattern is the Adam and Eve double bottom. This chart pattern is formed when one sharp V-shaped first bottom low is made on high volume. This is the first ‘Adam’ bottom. Then the price bounces back higher but later goes lower a second time to create a second cup shape as a second bottom that is the ‘Eve’ on decreasing..

Triple Top Pattern Explained(설명된 트리플패턴)

Triple Top Pattern Explained(설명된 트리플패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: In technical analysis the triple top chart pattern can be a possible signal for a reversal lower in price. This pattern is formed when price action find resistance inside a price zone three separate times. This type of price behavior can give clues that there are no buyers at higher prices above that resistance zone to cause a bre..

Bullish Pennant Pattern(Bullish 페넌트 패턴)

Bullish Pennant Pattern(Bullish 페넌트 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A bullish pennant chart pattern can be a powerful bullish chart pattern that is found during strong bull markets that is very similar to the bull flag. They are more rare than a bull flag. The price compression in the pennant can lead to explosive moves once there is a breakout. Many times these patterns are formed in leading grow..

(상위 성장주에 대한 스톡 검정 설정)Stock Screener Settings for Top Growth Stocks

Stock Screener Settings for Top Growth Stocks:(상위 성장주에 대한 스톡 스크리너 설정) One of the best stock screening filters for finding growth stocks are the parameters of the CAN SLIM Investing System that was created by William J. O’Neil. These parameters were quantified by his study of the fundamental company metrics of the largest winning stocks in the history of the U.S. stock market going back over 130 ..