거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Fear and Greed Index Explained(공포와 탐욕의 설명된 지수)

Fear and Greed Index Explained(공포와 탐욕의 설명된 지수) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The fear and greed index was created by CNNMoney as an indicator to quantify the degree of emotions that investors are feeling about buying stocks in the current moment. 공포와 탐욕 지수는 CNNMoney가 현 시점에서 투자자들이 주식 매입에 대해 느끼는 감정 정도를 수치화하기 위한 지표로 만들었다. This index tries to give a measurement of the market sentiment on a scale of fear..

What is a Hanging Man Candlestick?(교수형 인간 촛대란 무엇인가?)

What is a Hanging Man Candlestick?(교수형 인간 촛대란 무엇인가?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A hanging man is one kind of bearish reversal candlestick pattern. The hanging man is the name of a signal candle that is located inside an uptrend of higher highs and higher lows in price on a chart. 교수형 남자는 곰돌이 반전 촛대 패턴의 일종이다. 교수형 남자는 차트에서 높은 가격과 낮은 가격의 상승세 안에 위치한 신호 촛불의 이름이다. The hanging man candle has a lower wick..

What is a Trailing Stop?(후행중지란 무엇인가??)

What is a Trailing Stop?(후행중지란 무엇인가) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A trailing stop loss is a risk management tool for locking in profits on a winning trade. While a trade may start out with a stop loss after the initial entry to exit if the trade does not go in the right direction but instead goes low enough to show that a trade is wrong. While a stop loss is a way to manage a losing trade a trailin..

10 Habits of Highly Profitable Traders:(높은 수익성 거래자들의 10가지 습관)

10 Habits of Highly Profitable Traders:(높은 수익성거래자들의 10가지 습관) Create asymmetry in your trading by using stop losses. Profitable trading only happens by making more money than you lose. Big losses are the main cause of not being profitable. 거래에 있어서 손실 중지를 사용함으로 비대칭을 만든다 수익성의 거래는 단지 잃는 것 보다 많은 돈을 버는 것으로 일어난다 큰 손실은 수익적이 않는 것ㅇ 주요 원인이다 Eliminate big losses by cutting your loss when proven wrong. 잘못되었음..

Best Trading Books on Psychology(심리학에 관한 최고의 거래서적)

Best Trading Books on Psychology(심리학에 관한 최고의 거래서적) Posted By: Steve Burnson: This is a guest post by Beatrix Potter. Every Must-Read Psychology Book Every Trader Needs to Read At Least Once 모든 무역업자가 꼭 읽어야 할 심리학 책 한 권은 꼭 읽어야 한다. Whether you’re just starting out as a trader in the financial world, or you’ve been in the industry for some time, and you’re trying to figure out how to enhance your min..

How to Read Candlestick Charts(촛대 차트를 읽는 방법 |)

How to Read Candlestick Charts(촛대 차트를 읽는 방법 |) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A candlestick is a type of chart used in trading as a visual representation of past and current price action in specified timeframes. 촛대는 특별한 시간대에서 현재와 과거의 가격행동의 시각적인 표시로서 거래에 사용된 차트의 한 형태이다 Depending on the timeframe of the chart each candlestick consists of each minute, day, week, or month trading range represented in a s..

Does Technical Analysis Work?(기술 분석이 효과가 있는가?)

Does Technical Analysis Work?(기술 분석이 효과가 있는가?) “ I always laugh at people who say “I’ve never met a rich technician” I love that! Its such an arrogant, nonsensical response. I used fundamentals for 9 years and got rich as a technician.” – Marty Schwartz 나는 항상 "나는 부자기술자를 만난 적이 없다"고 말하는 사람들을 비웃는다. 나는 그것을 사랑한다! 그것은 매우 오만하고 터무니없는 반응이다. 9년 동안 기초체력을 발휘해 기술자로서 부자가 됐다." – 마티 슈워츠 Many people believe tech..

What is a Pivot Point?(피벗 지점이란?)

What is a Pivot Point?(피벗 지점이란?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A pivot point is a specific price level calculated and then used as a technical analysis indicator and trend filter in a chart’s time frame. A charts pivot point level is the average of the high prices, low prices, and closing prices from the last trading day. Price trading above a pivot point signals a potential uptrend and price tradin..

Bid vs Ask Price(입찰 대 홋가)

Bid vs Ask Price(입찰 대 홋가) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Charts are visual representations (표현)of the prices where buyers and sellers agreed to trade over at different periods of time in the past. In markets there is a buyer and seller for every trade execution, a stock quote((견적, 시세) is the price where the buyer and seller agreed and made a transaction. 차트는 과거 구매자와 판매자가 서로 다른 기간에 거래하기로 합의한 가격의 시각적 표..

What is a Follow-Through Day?(후속 조치의 날이란? |)

What is a Follow-Through Day?(후속 조치의 날이란? |) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A follow-through day is a bullish signal created by William J. O’Neil to quantify a high probability change in a current stock market direction from a downtrend to starting a new up trend. 후속 날짜는 윌리엄 J. 오닐이 하락세에서 새로운 상승 흐름을 시작하는 현 증시 방향의 높은 확률 변화를 계량화하기 위해 만든 강세 신호다.. Follow-through days signal during downtrends, corrections,..