거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

What is the Uptick Rule?(업틱 룰이란 무엇인가?)

What is the Uptick Rule?(업틱 룰이란 무엇인가?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: : The uptick rule stops the short selling of a stock in a sharp downtrend by restricting the ability to sell when a stock is going down in price and only allowing new short selling as a stock is going up in price. To follow the rule a new short sell can only occur at a price that is higher than the last price a stock traded at. upt..

The Formula for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래를 위한 공식)

The Formula for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래를 위한 공식) This formula for profitable trading was shared in my Facebook trading group by professional trader and money manager Richard Weissman author of Trade like a Casino. 수익성 있는 거래를 위한 이 공식은 내 페이스북 거래그룹에서 전문 거래업자와 돈 관리자인 리차드 와이스만이 카지노처럼 공유를 하였다 What is positive expectancy? Here’s a .xlsx friendly formula: Expectancy = ((PW*AW) – (PL*AL))*F... Where ..

What is Arbitrage(차익거래란 무엇인가(재정거래래)

By JAMES CHEN Reviewed By GORDON SCOTT What is Arbitrage(재정거래란)(차익거래란 무엇인가(재정거래래) Arbitrage is the purchase and sale of an asset in order to profit from a difference in the asset's price between markets. It is a trade that profits by exploiting the price differences of identical or similar financial instruments on different markets or in different forms. Arbitrage exists as a result of market in..

Reverse Conversion Options Play Explained(역변환 옵션플레이 설명

Reverse Conversion Options Play Explained(역변환 옵션 플레이 설명) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A reverse conversion option play is a type of arbitrage trade(재정거래) used to make money from selling the option premium of a put option that is priced too high but is structured (조직하다)in a way that profits regardless of the following price action of the underlying stock. 역전환옵션플레이는 풋옵션의 옵션 프리미엄을 팔아서 돈을 벌기 위해 사용되는 일종..

Bear Call Spread Explained(베어 콜 스프레드 설명)

Bear Call Spread Explained(베어 콜 스프레드 설명)| Posted By: Steve Burnson: A bearish credit spread refers to an option play constructed so the value of the spread position increases if the price of the underlying stock falls. A bearish credit spread is constructed with two call options. 약세신용 스프레드는 기초주식의 가격이 하락할 경우 스프레드 포지션의 가치가 상승하도록 구성된 옵션 플레이를 말한다. 약세 신용 스프레드는 두 가지 콜 옵션으로 구성된다. A bear call spread or ..

What is VWAP?(VWAP란??)

What is VWAP?(VWAP란??) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Share this: The VWAP (volume-weighted average price) is the ratio of the value of shares traded to total volume that is traded over a specific time period on a chart. It measures and quantifies the average price a stock is traded at for set period of time to create a technical indicator on a chart. VWAP(볼륨 가중 평균 가격)는 차트에서 특정 기간 동안 거래되는 총 볼륨에 대한 주식..

Forex Trading with Volume and Candlestick Charts(볼륨 및 촛대 차트를 사용한 외환거래)

Forex Trading with Volume and Candlestick Charts((볼륨 및 촛대 차트를 사용한 외환거래) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Volume analysis 볼륨 분석 Volume spread analysis or VSA. Looks at the relationship between volume traded and size of candlesticks. In it’s basic state the body size of a candle is in proportion with volume traded, in the FOREX market it is tick volume. In other words a large candle will have a large vol..

Forex Cheat Sheet: (외환의 커닝페이퍼)Pips(눈, 점)

Forex Cheat Sheet:(외환의 커닝페이퍼)Pips(눈, 점) Posted By: Steve Burnson: This is a content Guest Post by Forex trader Austin Silver. Here is a Forex cheat sheet on how to count pips, the power of 15 pips, how to count Forex profits, and how to define lot(구역) size. 여기 Pips를 세는 방법, 15 Pips의 힘, Forx 이윤을 샘하는 방법, 로트 크기를 정의하는 방법에 대한 Forx 커닝 시트가 있다.

20 Mental Trading Edges:(20 개의 정신 거래 우위 :)

20 Mental Trading Edges:(20 개의 정신 거래 우위 :) When I asked “What kind of psychological edge do you have in your trading?” in my Facebook trading group I had a lot of great answers. Here are a compilation(편집) of many of their great answers. Here are the 20 mental trading edges that a trader can use in their battle for profitability in the markets. ... 내 페이스북 트레이딩 그룹에서 "어떤 종류의 심리적 우위를 가지고 있느냐"고 물었을 때..

Parabolic Curve Stock Chart Pattern(포물선 곡선 주식 차트 패턴)

Parabolic Curve Stock Chart Pattern(포물선 곡선 주식 차트 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The parabolic curve chart pattern is one of the strongest uptrend patterns a stock can have. This type of pattern goes up the farthest and the fastest as it is under the strongest accumulation and every small pullback is bought by eager traders and investors. 포물선 곡선 도표 패턴은 주가가 가질 수 있는 가장 강력한 상승 패턴 중 하나이다. 이런 유형의 패턴은 가..