거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading:(거래를 절대 포기하지 않는 7가지 이유:)

7 Reasons to Never Give Up Trading:(거래를 절대 포기하지 않는 7가지 이유:) Early on, new traders will want to give up. Particularly when they figure out that the first few years are more about studying and paying tuition in losses, than in making money. Trading is a two-sided competition, and you have to be on the right side of the trade to make profits. 일찍..

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Price Action Trading Quotes(나심 니콜라스 테일럽 가격 행동 거래 인용문)

Nassim Nicholas Taleb Price Action Trading Quotes(나심 니콜라스 테일럽 가격 행동 거래 인용문)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: Nassim Nicholas Taleb is a best selling author, philosopher, scholar, and statistician. He had a long career as a professional option trader and hedge fund manage..

해외선물 지지선,저항선,추세선 그리는 방법 (How to draw support lines, resistance lines, and trend lines for overseas future)

해외선물 지지선,저항선,추세선 그리는 방법 (How to draw support lines, resistance lines, and trend lines for overseas future) 해외선물 차트를 볼때 가장 중요한 것은 선을 그리는 것입니다. ​When I look at the overseas future chart, The most important thing is to draw a line. 쉽게 그리지만 제대로 그리는 분들이 적어 오..

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 거래의 제1원칙)

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 거래의 제1원칙)Posted By: Steve Burnson:Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: If you are losing money in the markets or having a large drawdown in capital it could be a good idea to go back and return to first principles. First principles are the core concepts or accepted foun..