거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

10 Reasons Risk Management is Essential to Profitable Trading:(수익성 거래에서 리스크 관리가 필수적인 10가지 이유:)

10 Reasons Risk Management is Essential to Profitable Trading:(수익성 거래에서 리스크 관리가 필수적인 10가지 이유:) The trader that rejects risk management and thinks they do not need it discover sooner or later that they did. A trader can be successful for periods of time ignoring their risk exposure and their probabilities of the risk of eventual ruin. H..

A Traders Quick Guide to Position Sizing:(포지셔닝 사이징을 위한 트레이더의 빠른 가이드:

A Traders Quick Guide to Position Sizing:(포지셔닝 사이징을 위한 트레이더의 빠른 가이드): I base my position sizing in my trades on the fact that I never want to lose more than 1% on any one trade. If I am trading with a $100,000 account, I don’t want to lose more than $1,000(100,000X1%=1000) in a losing trade. A stop loss level has to start at the price ..

Explaining Price Action Using Occam’s Razor(오캄의 면도기를 이용한 가격대책 설명)

Explaining Price Action Using Occam’s Razor(오캄의 면도기를 이용한 가격대책 설명)Posted By: Steve Burnson: Enter your email address and we'll send you a free PDF of this post. Share this: The Occam’s razor heuristic was created by William of Ockham who was a philosopher and theologian who preferred simplicity for explanations over unneeded complexity. Occam..