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Dip and Rip Chart Pattern(딥과 립 차트패턴)

Dip and Rip Chart Pattern(딥과 립 차트패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: The dip and rip chart pattern starts with a strong opening (usually a gap up) that is followed by a quick dip in the price. The dip is followed by a fast return to the previous high price, and can even break out over that high. 딥 및 립 차트 패턴은 강한 시작(보통 갭 상승)으로 시작하여 가격이 빠르게 하락합니다. 하락 후에는 이전의 고가로 빠르게 복귀하고 그 고가를 돌파할 수도 있습니다. Price dips fir..

What Does It Mean To Have An Edge?(가장자리가 있다는 것은 무엇을 의미합니까?)

What Does It Mean To Have An Edge?(가장자리가 있다는 것은 무엇을 의미합니까?) Many traders don’t understand what it means to have an edge in trading. It is simply an advantage in the markets that over time leads to your winning trades adding up to more than your losing trades. There are potential edges in every market and in each time frame from scalping to value investing. 많은 거래자들은 거래에서 우위를 점한다는 것이 무엇을 의미하는지 이해하..

The 10 Golden Rules of Trading(거래의 10가지 황금률)

The 10 Golden Rules of Trading(거래의 10가지 황금률) Never add too a losing trade. In adding to a losing trade you are already wrong but now become more wrong with a bigger trading size. Adding to losers makes you a counter trend trader that will eventually end badly when you find yourself on the wrong side of a strong trend. 잃는 거래를 너무 추가하지 마십시오. 손실 거래에 추가하면 이미 잘못되었지만 이제는 더 큰 거래 규모로 인해 더 잘못됩니다. 패자에 추가하면..

Elliott Wave Theory Rules Cheat Sheet(엘리엇 파동 이론 규칙 치트 시트)

Elliott Wave Theory Rules Cheat Sheet(엘리엇 파동 이론 규칙 치트 시트) Here are the Elliott Wave Theory rules showing how each wave tends to work out in comparison to past waves, the key correlations with the Fibonacci levels. and approximately the percentage of time that price tends to stay inside each Fibonacci level. This is a quick reference cheat sheet for those wanting to track Elliott Waves on charts...

Memento Mori Meaning(메멘토 모리 의미)

Memento Mori Meaning(메멘토 모리 의미) Posted By: Steve Burnson: What does “Memento Mori” mean? It is Latin for ‘remember that you must die’ [one day]. "메멘토 모리"은(는) 무슨 뜻인가요? 그것은 '당신은 죽어야한다는 것을 기억하십시오'[어느 날]에 대한 라틴어입니다. The most successful generals in ancient Rome were awarded a “triumph” entry into the capital city on their return from victorious campaigns. It was a magnificent spectacle and parade tha..

Emotions in Trading and How to Use Them to Your Advantage(거래에서의 감정과 그것을 유리하게 활용하는 방법)

Emotions in Trading and How to Use Them to Your Advantage(거래에서의 감정과 그것을 유리하게 활용하는 방법) Posted By: Steve Burnson: This is a guest post by Ken Boyd. The markets are constantly fluctuating, so it is vital to remain calm and collected. One of the most challenging things about trading is that there is no way to know what will happen next. 시장은 끊임없이 변동하므로 침착하고 침착한 상태를 유지하는 것이 중요합니다. 거래에서 가장 어려운 점 중 하나는 ..

Inspirational Trading Quotes(영감을 받은 거래 인용문)

Inspirational Trading Quotes(영감을 받은 거래 인용문) Posted By: Steve Burnson: No matter where you are in your trading or investing journey it is good to stay inspired and focused on your long-term goals and prize. Psychology can be 80% of winning in the markets as quitting is so easy and perseverance can seem so difficult during losing streaks or drawdowns in capital. It is important to keep the right m..

Types of Traders(거래자의 유형)

Types of Traders(거래자의 유형) Posted By: Steve Burnson: There are many different types of traders in the financial markets. They trade different markets and on different time frames. Here is a list of types of traders on different time frames. 금융 시장에는 다양한 유형의 거래자가 있습니다. 그들은 다른 시장과 다른 시간대에 거래합니다. 다음은 다양한 시간대의 거래자 유형 목록입니다. Day traders: (데이 트레이더:) Day traders open and close their trades inside regular..

Trading Lessons from The Art of War(전쟁의 기술에서 배우는 거래)

Trading Lessons from The Art of War(전쟁의 기술에서 배우는 거래) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Revered the world over for centuries as the essential text for warfare and battle by the ancient philosopher and general Sun Tzu (544 BC–496 BC) explains the principles for dealing with war, personal conflicts, and achieving success in the battles of life. 고대 철학자이자 장군인 쯔(BC 544~496년)에 의한 전쟁과 전투의 필수 텍스트로서 수세기 동안 존경 받아 ..