분류 전체보기 1273

Millionaire Mindset(백만장자의 사고방식)

Millionaire Mindset(백만장자의 사고방식) In the book Secrets of the Millionaire Mindset, author T. Harv Eker shows readers the big difference between how millionaires think versus people with a poor mindset. Wealth starts in the mind, regardless of your circumstances your financial future will be more in line with your thoughts and actions. Many people start from humble beginnings to go on to create weal..

How much did they start you out with?(얼마로 그들이 당신을 시작하게 하였습니까??)

How much did they start you out with?(얼마로 그들이 당신을 시작하게 하였습니까??) I don’t remember the exact amount, but I remember that I made $350,000 in my first year, $800,000 in my second, over $1 million in my third, and I never looked back. 정확한 금액은 기억나지 않지만 첫해에 35만 달러, 두 번째 해에 80만 달러, 세 번째 해에 100만 달러 이상을 벌었고 뒤돌아보지도 않았던 것으로 기억합니다. Do you ever use fundamentals?(기본기를 사용한 적이 있습니까?) No, never. There was a three..

나의 이야기 2021.12.03

Lesson learned from Jamie Mai and Charlie Ledley of “The Big Short”("Big Short"의 Jamie Mai와 Charlie Ledley에게서 배운 교훈)

How did Jamie Mai and Charlie Ledley turn $110,000 into $12 million and then $130 million by using value investment method? Jamie Mai와 Charlie Ledley는 어떻게 가치 투자 방법을 사용하여 11만 달러를 1200만 달러로, 그리고 1억 3000만 달러로 만들었을까? Lesson learned from Jamie Mai and Charlie Ledley of “The Big Short”("Big Short"의 Jamie Mai와 Charlie Ledley에게서 배운 교훈) Early 2003, Jamie Mai and Charlie Ledley, a pair of thirty-year-old ..

Linda Bradford Raschke – 50 Time Tested Classic Stock Trading Rules(Linda Bradford Raschke – 50번의 테스트를 거친 클래식 주식 거래 규칙)

Linda Bradford Raschke – 50 Time Tested Classic Stock Trading Rules (Linda Bradford Raschke – 50번의 테스트를 거친 클래식 주식 거래 규칙) 1. Plan your trades. Trade your plan. 거래를 계획하세요. 계획을 거래하십시오. 2. Keep records of your trading results. 거래 결과를 기록하십시오. 3. Keep a positive attitude, no matter how much you lose. 아무리 손해를 보더라도 긍정적인 태도를 유지하십시오. 4. Don’t take the market home. 시장을 집으로 가져가지 마라. 5. Continually set highe..

Control Your Ego, Listen to Your Emotions by Brett Steenbarger(자아를 통제하고, 브렛 스텐바거의 감정을 들어라.)

Control Your Ego, Listen to Your Emotions by Brett Steenbarger(자아를 통제하고, 브렛 스텐바거의 감정을 들어라.) A commonly encountered view in writings on trading psychology is that good decisions require that we tame our emotions through discipline and self-control. Many of those same writings talk about trusting your gut and not overthinking decisions. How we are to be open to our feel for markets and yet trade i..

카테고리 없음 2021.11.30

Multilevel and Mixed Models Using R(R을 사용한 다단계 및 혼합 모델)

Multilevel and Mixed Models Using R(R을 사용한 다단계 및 혼합 모델) A 3-Day Remote Seminar Taught by Stephen Vaisey, Ph.D. Multilevel models are a class of regression models for data that have a hierarchical (or nested) structure. Common examples of such data structures are students nested within schools or classrooms, patients nested within hospitals, or survey respondents nested within countries. 다단계 모델은 ..

나의 이야기 2021.11.26

The Difference Between a Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share(자기자본이익률(ROE)과 주당순이익의 차이)

The Difference Between a Return on Equity and Earnings Per Share(자기자본이익률(ROE)과 주당순이익의 차이) By: Chirantan Basu Return on equity and earnings per share are profitability ratios. ROE measures the return shareholders are getting on their investments. EPS measures the net earnings attributable to each share of common stock. Companies usually provide EPS and other ratios in their quarterly and annual r..

The difference between earnings and profit(수입과 이익의 차이)

The difference between earnings and profit(수입과 이익의 차이) Earnings(수입) and profits (이익)are generally considered to mean the same thing, but there are some differences between the terms. The main one is that profit is more commonly used in the income statement,(소득명세서) where it can refer to gross profit, operating profit, and net profit. Gross profit refers to sales minus the cost of goods sold, whil..