분류 전체보기 1273

Bullish Patterns(강세 패턴)

Bullish Patterns(강세 패턴) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Bullish price action trading creates chart patterns that show uptrends in a market through the buying pressure by traders and investors creating higher highs and higher lows and breakouts to the upside. A bullish chart pattern is a visual record of the votes by bulls that increase price levels over a period of time. 강세 가격조치 트레이딩은 반복적으로 높은 고가 그리고 ..

Best Trading Books Of All Time(역사상 최고의 거래서적)

Best Trading Books Of All Time(역사상 최고의 거래서적) Posted By: Steve Burnson: I have read over 400 trading and investing books in the past 20 years that have given me the principles of profitable trading and allowed me to make money in the markets consistently and build life changing amounts of capital. Here is a list of the ones that were most memorable, useful, and meaningful, along with being best s..

카테고리 없음 2021.10.26

Lessons From the Best Trader of All Time: Jim Simons:(역대 최고의 트레이더가 주는 교훈: Jim Simons)

Lessons From the Best Trader of All Time: Jim Simons:Jim Simons((역대 최고의 트레이더가 주는 교훈:) Jim Simons is one of the most successful hedge fund managers in history. He is a trained mathematician and quantitative trader and the founder of Renaissance Technologies. His hedge fund specializes in diversified system trading using individual quantitative models derived from statistical analyses of historica..

Financially Fit Test(재정 적합성 테스트)

Financially Fit Test(재정 적합성 테스트) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Here are ten questions that can measure how financially fit you are in your personal finances. 다음은 귀하의 개인 재정 상태가 재정적으로 얼마나 적합한지를 측정할 수 있는 10가지 질문입니다. Grading scale:(등급 척도: 즉3등급 우리 관습은 상,중,하) No = 0(부정) I’m halfway there = ( 중간) Yes = 2(긍정) 1. You can pay off off your credit card debt any time you want to or have zero credit card debt. 신용..

What does a black candlestick mean on a chart? (차트에서 검은 촛대는 무엇을 의미합니까?)

What does a black candlestick mean on a chart? (차트에서 검은 촛대는 무엇을 의미합니까?) A black candlestick forms on a chart set for hollow candles where all candlesticks will be set for filled or hollow and will appear as white, red, or black. The black candle forms when price closes lower than it opens but the closing price is still higher than the previous close. 모든 촛대가 채워지거나 비어 있는 것으로 설정되고 흰색, 빨간색 또는 검은색으로 ..

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래의 첫 번째 원칙)

The First Principles for Profitable Trading(수익성 있는 거래의 첫 번째 원칙) If you are losing money in the markets or having a large drawdown in capital it could be a good idea to go back and return to first principles. 시장에서 돈을 잃거나 자본이 크게 줄어들면 처음으로 돌아가 처음 원칙으로 돌아가는 것이 좋습니다. First principles are the core concepts or accepted foundation of beliefs that a theory, process, system, or methodology is based. Profi..

How to be a Profitable Trader in 7 Steps(7단계에서 수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 방법)

How to be a Profitable Trader in 7 Steps(7단계에서 수익성 있는 트레이더가 되는 방법) Is forex trading profitable? Is day trading profitable? Are commonly asked questions by new traders but the answer can be yes or no depending on how someone trades. Yes, trading is profitable if you have a positive expectancy model where the average win is bigger than the average loss over a series of trades. Profitability is dep..

Diagonal Spread Definition(대각선 스프레드 정의)

Diagonal Spread Definition(대각선 스프레드 정의) Posted By: Steve Burnson: A diagonal spread options play is a modified calendar spread that is built with different strike prices. It is opened by entering into a long and short position in two options of the same type at the same time. An option trader can use two call options or two put options but they must have different strike prices and also expirati..

Sell to Open vs Sell to Close(오픈 후 매도 vs 마감 시 매도)

Sell to Open vs Sell to Close(개점 판매 vs 마감판매) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Option contracts are different than stock shares in the way they are created, traded, and closed. 옵션 계약은 생성, 거래 및 마감 방식이 주식과 다릅니다. There are two different types of selling in options trading: sell to open vs sell to close. 옵션 거래에는 두 가지 유형의 판매가 있습니다. 개점판매와 패점판매입니다. An options trader will sell to open a new option contract that..