거래기술에 관한 정보 1086

Ten Lessons From Bernie Madoff(버니 매도프의 10가지 교훈)

Ten Lessons From Bernie Madoff(버니 매도프의 10가지 교훈) Bernie Madoff made most the con-artists(거짓말장이) featured on the CNBC show “American Greed” look like small time operators compared to him. What are some lessons that can be learned from Bernie Madoff and his $50 billion Ponzi Scheme(음모 책략)? Many professional traders knew that he was a Ponzi Scheme in the 1990s, but how? What were the clues that indi..

7 Warren Buffett Investing Habits:(7 워렌 버핏 투자 습관:)

7 Warren Buffett Investing Habits:(7 워렌 버핏 투자 습관:) Warren Buffett became the richest man in the world through practicing his own edge in investing. Few can duplicate his process because it requires incredible discipline and patience and compounding of returns over decades. He also went from simply investing in stocks through his partnership when he was younger/ to acquiring whole companies throu..

How To Become A Great Trader(위대한 무역가가 되는 방법)

How To Become A Great Trader(위대한 무역가가 되는 방법) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Many people aspire to be traders when they see the potential for making large sums of money. Money attracts interest in any field whether it is practicing law, medicine, or entrepreneurship. However there is a huge distance between wanting to be something and doing the work to achieve a professional goal. 많은 사람들이 큰 돈을 벌 수 있는 ..

Do You Know What Risk Is?(위험성이 무엇인지 아십니까?)

Do You Know What Risk Is?(위험성이 무엇인지 아십니까?) Posted By: Steve Burnson: Do you really understand what risk is? 당신은 정말로 위험이 무엇인지 이해하십니까? What is risk? 위험이란 무엇인가? Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger. Risk is to expose (someone or something valued) to danger, harm, or loss. – Oxford Languages 위험은 위험에 노출되는 것과 관련된 상황이다. 위험은 위험, 위해 또는 손실에 노출되는 것이다. – 옥스퍼드 언어 In trading risk management is usi..

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life:(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정:)

The 7 Most Important Money Decisions of Your Life:(인생에서 가장 중요한 7가지 금전적 결정:) Most people don’t associate love with financial health, but your choice of life partner will be one of the most important financial life decisions you make. Staying single decreases your risk of ruin by marrying the wrong person, but getting married drops your expenses in half and doubles your chances of financial succes..

How Trading Discipline Leads to Better Trades(무역 규율이 어떻게 더 나은 무역으로 이어지는가)

How Trading Discipline Leads to Better Trades(무역 규율이 어떻게 더 나은 무역으로 이어지는가) Posted By: Steve Burnson: “Discipline is the practice of making people obey rules or standards of behaviour, and punishing them when they do not. Discipline is the quality of being able to behave and work in a controlled way which involves obeying particular rules or standards.” – collinsdictionary.com "훈련은 사람들이 행동의 규칙이나 기..

12 Reasons Why Trading is Worth It:(거래가 가치 있는 12가지 이유)

12 Reasons Why Trading is Worth It:(거래가 가치 있는 12가지 이유) Let’s face it. There are a lot of things you can do with your life, and most of them are easier than trading every day, especially in this market environment. But there are real advantages to devoting your time to the science of trading. If given the proper attention and nourishment, a trading career can exceed your expectations and give you..

Introduction to Technical Indicators and Oscillators(기술 지표 및 오실레이터 소개)

Introduction to Technical Indicators and Oscillators(기술 지표 및 오실레이터 소개)| Posted By: Steve Burnson: Technical analysis indicators derive their readings by applying a formula to a series of price data on a chart. The historical price data used can include samples of the opening price as well as the high and low or closing price over a specified time period. Different technical indicators will use d..

Why Losers Don’t Belong in Your Life:(왜 루저들은 당신의 인생에 속하지 않는 걸까요?)

Why Losers Don’t Belong in Your Life:(왜 루저들은 당신의 인생에 속하지 않는 걸까요?) I never understood why traders held losing trades for too long. Our goal is to make money, isn’t it? And yet, we’ve all held onto something negative for too long; a losing trade for a few days, a bad marriage for a decade, smoking for a couple of decades, or any number of other things that make us consistently unhappy. 상인들이 왜 그렇게 ..

How to Trade Like A Lion(사자처럼 거래하는 방법)

How to Trade Like A Lion(사자처럼 거래하는 방법) A lone lion usually has a hunting success rate of only 15%. Though during a night hunt, their success rate can climb over 40% . In areas with tall grass, they manage a success rate of over 50% because they are able to get much closer to their prey before striking = manage their risk, trade their edge, and once in the trade go for the jugular.”(상대방의 최대약점) – ..